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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by chocHollyK

  1. Norma and Hannah:

    I was touched by your posts and your very sad recent loss. It has been nearly three years since I lost my precious Pippi, my cat. She was 19.

    I'm sure that you have both read or heard of the Rainbow Bridge, in "Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul" ?

    Your precious ones will be awaiting you there. I am glad to find this board where others understand how very real the pain is; how is is NOT "just a dog" or "just a cat".... TSK!! I actually feel sorry for people who say that... what tremendous unconditional love they miss out on ...

    Best wishes and peace to both of you.....

  2. Oh, thank God I stumbled into this room!

    I didn't know it existed, and arrived here from a link on another message board that was actually intended for someone else in regard to their pet.

    Well, I still grieve my pet, my mother AND my father!!

    I am embarrassed to tell you how long they all have been gone. I am not married and have no children, and I think that may be part of why it has been so hard for me.

    I am just sobbing now. Two days ago (1/22) was the anniversary of my father's death; 12/7 was the anniversary of my mother's, and 4/18 will be the anniversary of my sweet cat....

    I don't know what to do sometimes.... I have a book called Midlife Orphan; Facing life's Changes now that your parents are Gone and actually owned it well before Mom passed away, knowing I would need it sooner than later.

    I need to pull it out and take a close look at it again... maybe treat it more like a textbook for a while, at least.

    If anyone is interested, it was published by Berkley Publishing Group in 1999... author is Jane Brooks and ISBN is 0-425-16693-7..

    Best wishes to all of you through your sadness and through your journeys.....

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