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Posts posted by LBA

  1. The first book ddpicted on that sight is reported to be exclent "Learning to Breath Again."

    In Learning to Breathe Again, popular recording artist Tammy Trent tells the unforgettable story of her eighteen year relationship with Trent Lenderink, her high school sweetheart and later, her husband. While free diving in Jamaica, Trent failed to return to the surface of the azure waters of the Blue Lagoon. The next morning, September 11, 2001, as she struggled to comprehend her inconceivable loss, terrorists were attacking America. Alone, overwhelmed, and far from home, Tammy found a lifeline of hope connecting her to God's enduring love and incomprehensible strength. Hardcover edition. Tammy's Tour Schedule

    Thanks for the link, I am buying the book.

  2. Walt:

    Hang in there even though it’s so tough. I read in your earlier post that you are able to wear your wife’s wedding ring. That’s awesome. What a testimony of your love for her. When others see this ring, they will see how important she was to you. I am at 19 weeks and four days since my precious wife went home to be with the Lord. She died after battling ovarian cancer for seven years, and I was with her when she took her last breath. I have never known pain so raw and deep, I could not anticipate this, it simply defies explanation. To honor my wife, I had my wedding ring, and her two wedding rings, re-made into one. I can not even describe the honor it is for me to place “our” rings on my wedding ring finger. Walt, please hang in there, may God Almighty Bless and Comfort you. I’ll be praying for you.

  3. I don’t know if I have enough experience to contribute at this point, but here’s my offering. Six weeks ago (tomorrow) my wife of 28 years (Sharon) went home to be with the Lord. She battled cancer for seven years. She was only 53 years old, and I was hoping she would live a long time. All our plans were built on that assumption. Watching her die was exasperating beyond measure. Replaying the memory of this, as I so often do, drives me to my knees in uncontrolled sobbing. Though it was entirely expected that she would die, and certainly so over the last couple of years, painfully so over the last three months, it really wasn’t expected, if you know what I mean. Now that I am physically separated from the most precious person ever in my life, the pain and bewilderment are simply off the scale. YES, I too feel married. How can I not feel this way after 28 years of marriage? I still wear my wedding ring. I am going to have her ring attached to mine and wear both. I intend to wear it for quite some time, maybe always. I hope that you have better days, and that your grief now, and that your grief in the future will always honor your loved one. I am sure if your husband knew the level of your love and grief that you are experiencing, he would surely be touched and honored beyond measure. This is my goal, to honor my wife through my grief for the rest of my life, even after it gets easier. I have heard it gets easier, though I am not at all looking for it to be easier right now. For me, it takes the hand of a loving Heavenly Father to comfort me and to remind me that I will see my wife someday. I look forward to that day, and in many ways wish it were today. But that is not in my hands, nor should it ever be. The grief is overwhelmingly there, but so too is the comfort I receive from “His” hands. I just finished reading a book titled Life after Loss by Bob Diets. I am going to re-read it, and I do recommend it. I found it to be useful in understanding my loss, and it actually comforting to read. I wish you well, I wish you God’s Blessings, and I wish you grief that is healing to you as well as honoring to your husband.

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