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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by MaryNu

  1. Hello, My heart goes out to you. My Spouse & 30 year friend passed 5 weeks

    ago.He hung in there till our wedding date as I aasked him to. I have no one at this moment to talk to. It seems to be worse at nite for me can not sleep Doc gave me 14 daysof med for sleep. From the movie finding nemo, I feel like a fish out of water. DO I swim or just lay back and float riding the currents felling numb. I can not figure out how these sites work and that is frustrating because I NEED HELP. May be someone can tell me learn how blog.. I'M 65 and should have it all together. Well I do not. PLUS MY HEALTH HAS GONE TO ILLNESS. Thank you. MaryNu

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