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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Tricia

  1. smile.gif Wearing a white carnation on mothers' day represents the memory of your dear mom. Wear a red carnation if you are blessed to still have your mom. I am going to make a few for my MIL and aunts. My one aunt lost her mom (my husbands grandma) in October. I thought it would be a nice gesture. I am going to make ribbons with something written on them. Maybe our moms names....or in memory. Any thoughts??

  2. My father passed away June 12. He was sick for a long time. We knew he was dying and he came home to do so. It was really a hard thing to watch. But he knew he was dying and he had made peace with it. He was not afraid and knew he was going to be with the Lord. He even let us know when it was happening, and we were all there for him. I too watched him take his last breath. I know what you are saying. For a long time afterward I was haunted by his death. I had nightmares, really weird dreams. Panick attacks too. But I had to try and remember my faith and that I knew he knew where he was going and he really is in a much better place. He was suffering so bad at the end. Unfortunately, I just lost my mom a month ago too. I'm afraid her death has not totally hit me yet. With her loss there has been a lot of things that I have had to take care of where she did it with the loss of my dad. So, I have been busy and have not had the down time to deal with it. I was closer with my mom. We were always together. She was living with me. I am kinda waiting for the "truck" to hit me. And I kow it is going to be hard. The problems I had after my dads death were interupted with the hurricane that hit us. Dealing with losing our town and houses kinda took place of the grieving. Then my mom got sick. So, I do know what you are saying, but I guess my circumstance is a little different. I had other issues that had to be dealt with and they kinda put the grieving process aside. Like I said, I am waiting for it all to catch up with me now. Can you tell us more about your story? About your dad? Did he know he was passing? Was he faithful? That really can help a lot. My dad was NOT a faithful man. He had blamed God for a long time about his health. He was mad. He had his stroke on his 57 birthday and was paralyzed ever since. Then he had MANY health problems after that. Heart attacks, cancer where he lost a kidney. He ultimately died of kidney failure, but we believe, as does his doctor, that he had colon cancer at the end which cause him much pain. He was too sick to truly diagnose it though. It didn't really matter. He lived to be 74. At the end, he became faithful again through the help of my mom and the church. I'm thankful for that because it helped us a lot. I am not and never have been a church going or religion pushing person, but at this time in my life, it is the only thing that has helped me through it. I have to believe there is a place I will see my parents again.

    Please, tell us more about your story. It might help you to tell us and maybe someone will have something more to help you with.

    take care, Tricia

  3. I just lost my mom on march 12th. We had only known for 6 weeks that she had lung cancer. Let me tell you, those six weeks were short. With all the doctors appts. and going, hoping we would hear some good news. Just a little good new once. She had just started the chem treatments. I still can not believe she is gone. I lost my dad last June. June 12th. Exactly nine months apart. I am still living in a fog. I am grieving, but none of it has even begun to sunk in.

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