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Posts posted by Bunny'smom

  1. Dear GordosMom,

    Know that Gordo is at peace now. He is no longer in pain or having a hard time walking. He would not want you you to question your decisions about how you cared for him. You did what you thought was best. Gordo knows that you were the best Mom in the whole world. He feels the love that the two of you shared and wants you to remember all the happy times. Those three years were precious to both of you. Know that the two of you will meet again. Be kind to yourself. You will get through this pain.

  2. To Gracie's Mom,

    I am so sorry to read your post about your Gracie.

    I have had to put 3 cats down several years apart, each was 16 years old when they passed. The pain will feel unbearable at first. It feels as though you will not be able to go on without her. When My Bunny (a cat) passed away, I started to write about him. A few stories, one about how God brought us together. Another about all of his little habits, his toys, all of the names I had for him. Anything I could think of, I wrote it down. Over the next few days, I added little things that I wanted to remember about him. I saved the hair that was in his brush. I put a little box together including his name tag, collar, a few toys that he loved, my favorite pictures of him etc. Then I put together a page with his photo, the date that he came to live with me, the date of his death and one of Shakespeare's quotes. I emailed it to all of my friends/family because it was so hard for me to talk about him. Before falling asleep I swear I could feel him walking on my bed (till this day I feel it sometimes). In my prayers, I would tell him that I wanted him to come and visit me in my dreams. I told him that till the end of time, wherever I am it will always be his home. All of these things helped me to feel my connection with him.

    I share my story with you in hopes that perhaps some of these ideas will help you to cope with your loss. In earlier days, I think that people didn't share their grief about losing an animal. These days, most people understand that the love and bond we have with our animals are as significant (if not more important) than the bonds we have with other humans. I encourage you to talk about how you feel. If you can't or don't want support from friends, express yourself here, where people understand what you are feeling. You won't ever forget her, but as the days go by, eventually you will feel good again.

    Know that you will experience a number of hard days ahead. Do all of the things that make you feel nurtured and safe. Know that you did what you thought was best for Gracie. Punishing yourself is not what she would want you to do. She would want you to pour your love for her into your other dog. Know that she wants you to be happy.

    She had a short life, but your love for her, and hers' for you, made it a brilliant life. Hold on to that.

    Hugs to you from Bunny's mom.

  3. So sorry to hear about your dog Grunt - I just love that name. It sounds to me as though you are still having a difficult time dealing with his passing.

    I just lost my cat of 17 years about 1 month ago - it feels like forever. Right this moment I miss the way he smelled when I kissed his sweet face.

    One of the things that I did was to write a list of all the things that I remember about him. The goofy names I called him, his favorite treats, hiding places, where he liked to be scratched, our silly games of chase and pet. Stuff like that. I will never forget him and the process of remembering all of our fun times and writing about them memorializes and honors him and my feelings about our special friendship.

    I'll say a prayer for you and Grunt tonight. BTW, have you visited the Rainbow Bridge web site? http://www.petloss.com/ You can memorialize Grunt by adding his name to a list of animals that have passed. They have a nice chat area and some nice poems and things to read. Also, kind of a nice candle ceremony. Just a thought... hang in there!!!

  4. 2 weeks ago tonight, I laid my baby to rest. I had been dreading that moment and decision for two years when he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and kidney failure. The docs gave him 6 mos. to live, and he ended up living a comfortable life for two years and a few mos. after that.

    When he was diagnosed, I decided that if his passing was not "natural" that I would make the decision for him. I promised myself that I would do what was in his best interest, not what was best or easiest for me. He trusted me to care for him during his life and he was trusting me then to make the best decision for him.

    Two weeks ago, I knew it was time. My vet makes house calls and we had discussed many times what it would be like. The vet arrived, Bunny (my little guy) and I laid down on the bed in his favorite spot. The doc gave him a painless injection. I spoke to him, rubbed his tummy and ears, kissed his sweet face and sang to him. His passing was peaceful. I held him for several minutes afterward - he looked releived.

    It was the most difficult decision and yet it was the only right option for us. I am at peace because I was with him all the way. I saw him go - I was there. All suffering ended. The circle of his life was complete. We were together.

    My prayers are with you and your dear Lucy.


  5. My other kitty and I keep expecting him to walk around the corner.

    I miss him so much. Our connection was amazing - we would gaze into each others eyes with that sense of "knowing". 17 years is a long time and I expect that my heart will always feel a bit broken.

    Don't even know how to begin...

    "Goodnight sweet Prince, And flights of Angels sing Thee to Thy rest."

    from Hamlet William Shakespeare

  6. So sorry for your loss. My kitty just passed yesterday (he was 17).

    A couple of things. I have heard that people who apply to vet school and are not admitted usually end up going to med school.

    After making sure that your research is valid (re: med administered side effect anemia), I would discuss this with the doc who wrote the order for the new med. Find out why he/she chose it - given diagnosis of anemia.

    Your BEST friend knows and understands everything and doesnt fault you for what happened at the vet or for not planting the flowers yet. I have to believe that our love (and theirs) transcends and isn't "lost" out there between us and them.

    I dont know exactly how you feel cuz the circumstances of Bunny's passing are different from those of your friend however I do know what it feels like to miss my own heart.

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