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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by kstanleyca

  1. I would really like to hear from someone who has an ex-husband die. We have a daughter (nearly 30) and had a little boy who lived from April 11-Jan. 11/84. I am remarried to a dear, sweet man and we are very happy. Cort and I were together from age 18 to age 40, when our divorce became final. My parents and his parents are dead, and I have not heard at all from either of his sisters (no surprise).

    Cort and I hadn't communicated in any way in 12 years and I knew through our daughter that he had terminal lung cancer. I was lucky enough to be able to visit his ICU bed and twice give him a kiss and told him I loved him very much. His 4th wife has not acknowledged the sympathy bouquet I left at their home. There was a memorial service that I skipped, as I didn't want to take attention from Maggie. And My daughter tells me that the 4th wife has no money for a burial plot or headstone. I just feel terrible - I keep wanting to buy a headstone and plot near the place we buried our baby and where Cort's parents are buried. But who am I? Just some nobody from the past. Where are my sympathy cards? Why couldn't I have picked out the music, or watched the house while they were at the funeral, so that nobody broke in. Guess I am nobody. But I miss him so much and now I don't' even have a place to bring some flowers and meditate. Can anyone help guide me down this path? I just don't want to hurt or confuse my dear sweet husband, who has been a rock of strength this entire time. Kathy

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