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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by mswells

  1. It has been a little over a week now since my dog "Emilio" (a long haired chihuahua) died on July 17, 2005, and I feel so sad, and am having thoughts about wanting to join him now at the Rainbow Bridge.

    It all started the morning of Sunday, July 17th, 2005. At around 8:30am I awoke to hearing him having a lot of breathing problems, and while I was looking up a nearby emergency vet in the area, he looked to be haviong a seizure. I thought right then and there, that he had passed on, but when I picked him up and wrapped a blanket around him, his heartbeat was extremely slow. I rushed him to the vet, and they were able to revive him, but was told that he had an underlying (unknown to me), congestive heart failure.

    They said they could try to keep him alive, but the outlook didnt look to promising...not to mention what the costs would entail, with no guarantee of surviving a normal healthy life ever again. I decided to have him put to sleep to end his suffering, but am constantly re-thinking if it was the right decision or not.

    I mean...what if there was that slim chance that he would survive. Emilio would have been 15 Years old in August.

    I feel so devastated and am at such a lost. he was a child to me, since I have been single most of my life.

    Will this pass, and will I ever get back to normal? I feel empty now, and dont know if getting another dog will make me feel normal again. I kind of feel guilty about getting another dog to replace my loss !!

    I have decided to create a memorial garden for him in my backyard and will bury his ashes in it. I have also ordered a little headstone to be placed in it, in his rememberance.

    I am just at a loss in what to do next, and how to proceed with my life now...minus my best friend.

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