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Posts posted by AdenSpencer

  1. "Tomorrow is never promised for my Little Warrior-The day I died"

    It has been almost 3 years now since my life was uprooted and my world flipped upside down. Below is the story of my son Aden Spencer Taubman. Aden was the second son brought into this world by my wife Debrah and myself. Aden was just an innocent baby victimized by some deranged individual who committed a gutless act that has deprived him of a life that every new born baby deserves. It has certainly been a touch "Rocky Road" to say the least and it has taken a toll on every move I make and every breath I take. Since the injury to Aden occurred we have brought another gift of god into this world, our first "princess" by giving birth to our first daughter Ella Sloane born February 8th, 2005. Aden also has an older brother named Alec who is five and is just starting to ask questions that have been tuff for us to answer. It has taken me years to speak out, but I feel if I don't get the support of other families who grieve like I do, my life will become a time bomb with a short fuse-ready to erupt!!!!Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, that they serve some purpose, teaching you lessons in life and aid in helping us figure out who we are and who we want to become. I can say from the bottom of my heart that he is this little warrior, the precious life blood blood of my master spirit.

    I am thankful and fortunate that whoever was looking him while he lay in a coma for 10 days, allowed him to fight like the warrior he is, and returned him back to us to still be here today. In my eyes he will always be my hero and as I turn 35 this year, I only want to be able to give him the same childhood that was given to me. I will do whatever it takes to see that happen, but unfortunately due to the severe ness of the shaking in which he occurred, I don't know if it will ever happen. It makes me very angry and I continuously ask myself WHY-WHY-WHY did this have to happen to Aden and our family? Does everything in life happen for a reason or does nothing happen by chance? The limits of my soul have been tested and for me to keep my clock ticking. I want an answer!!! Most people think that we look for sympathy, but the truth is that only seek empathy. It seemed to be there for the first 3 weeks after his injury occurred, but now the truth speaks out and those people (some of whom I have known 25+ years) are very few are far between.

    Thank anyone who takes the time to and consideration to read this and please do not be sad, but we all need to work together to save the lives of our innocent children from cowardly act of violence against innocent children.

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