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Ann B

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Posts posted by Ann B

  1. Thank you everyone - I can really feel your true empathy and understanding through your posts.

    It has gotten a little easier each day, I am more at peace with it now. I am feeling his presence kind of "guiding" me along the day.

    I can relate about the food - I sure could have used some as well. You sure don't feel like cooking - I found myself eating a lot of fast food, which, I don't know about anyone else, but it makes me feel sick.

    Again, thank you. I'm looking forward to the day when I will be able to help someone through this period.

  2. Thank you everyone. I've noticed that each day is getting a little better - not that I don't miss him, but I'm more at peace with it.

    I have felt his presence quite a bit - I've even caught myself thinking like he would have, which is weird - I don't know if I'm just emulating him or if he is guiding me.

    I had skin cancer surgery the morning that my father passed away, so I didn't find out until after the surgery what had happened. I have felt his presence being very concerned about me. Luckily, everything has turned out ok there - the cancer was in very early stages and the prognosis is excellent. It was strange - the actual procedure went smoother than anything I have ever had done medically. He was really worried before the day, so I can't help but think that he had a "hand" in the surgery.

    I also feel this very powerful feeling of love - from him, much stronger than I ever felt when he was alive (even when I was physically with him). Has anyone else had this happen?

  3. My father just died on the 13th of March. I am an only child and am 36 (he was 59). It was pretty unexpected (even though he had chronic health problems, we didn't think they were fatal). My mom is in a nursing home and is pretty bad off from a brain tumor. (She cannot move - has to be fed and wears diapers, etc.)

    I so hate to sound like a victim, but this hurts so bad I cannot stand it. I'm single, which has never bothered me until now. My daddy was my rock and I just feel so cheated.

    I've cried enough to fill up a river, yet it doesn't seem to bring relief. Any ideas on how to get through the day? I know in my head and heart that he is in a better place, but me being selfish - I want him here, darn it!

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