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Everything posted by DD1170

  1. Thank you for your kind words. I know my dad will live on in memories and I will share all of these with my son. Unfortunately, he does not live in my sons blood or in my blood since I am adopted and so is my son. But he will live in our hearts forever. His love, kindness, and generosity will never be forgotten. I do know that one day we will see each other again and until that time he will watch over us and protect us. Thank you for your prayers.
  2. It has been six weeks, 1/8/2010, since my father passed. Everything was so sudden and we never had a chance to say good-bye. Dad had not been feeling well since November and the doctor was doing blood work every two weeks and trying to adjust his meds. He had blood drawn on 12/22/09 and when he went to the doctor on 1/5/10, they found signs of Lupus and the doctor drew more blood. My folks immediately setup appointments with various doctors to narrow down which type of Lupus he might have. On 1/6/10, my dad collapsed and never regained consciousness. He was flown to a neurosurgeon because he had a blood clot on his brain. The day after his operation we were told dad would never wake up again and if he did, he would not have any quality of life. The doctor at the hospital ran test and informed us that dad had leukemia. With all the blood work dad’s doctor did how did she not know about his leukemia? The leukemia was his official cause of death. I am grateful that dad did not suffer but I wish I could have said good-bye. I cannot remember the last conversation I had with him or the last day I saw him. I remember wanting to call him on New Year’s Day but with everything going on I forgot and never did. I feel incredible guilty for forgetting to call him and now I cannot remember if I stopped by the house after that. Not a day has gone by that I have not cried for the loss of my dad. I think how my son will not remember him and how much my dad loved him. I think about how hard this is for my mom they would have been married 45 years in May. I think about how I never had the chance to say good-bye.
  3. Hello everyone. I lost my dad on 1/8 and everyday has been a struggle. I so want to curl up on my bed and cry but everyday I get up go to school and take care of my family because that is what my dad wanted. He want grandchildren and to see me finish school. Well, at least he got to meet his grandson.

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