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  1. I've told him I'm here for him whenever he needs me. He told me last week somethings he needs to work thru on his own. So do I just leave him alone and not call or contact him no matter how long it takes? This is the 2nd death (grandpa) that he has gone thru in the last 6mos. He is seeing a counselor- that I found for him. Which of course is good!! It just really gets hard when I don't hear from him. I hate to sound selfish. But its rough on my emotionally. I feel like I'm becoming a little depressed myself. Jlyn
  2. Thanks Kathy I really appreciate your insight. It helps to hear from someone that has gone thru something similar. I guess I am the opposite when I deal with loss I need people around me. I know everyone grieves differently. It helps to hear from others on how they grieve. Thanks again!!
  3. I have a really good friend of nine years that has been in my life for a long time. Just recently we decided we wanted to be more then just friends. We realized we both have very stong feelings for one another on top of a great friendship. His father just passed away and he has now been distancing himself not wanting to talk or see me. I guess I don't know how to handle it because I take it personal. I don't understand why he wouldn't want to come to me for comfort or just to talk. I am not sure what to do. Can someone explain this to me? or give me suggestions? I find myself getting angry because he doesn't call me or reach out to me. Was anyone else like this when they have gone thru painful losses in their lives? It has only been a few weeks since his fathers death but his behavior seems to be getting worse as far as not talking or wanting to interact with me. I just don't know if I should just leave him alone or do I continue to try to reach out to him. I don't want to get angry or take it personal but its hard. It also is really effecting me emotionally as well. I feel like he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I completely understand this is such a hard thing for him and I am trying not to be selfish but its just so difficult for me not to take it personal?
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