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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by swedishfish

  1. One of my family members is about to lose her father to a deadly cancer. It's been a long time since his diagnosis, but his health is now on the fast decline and she is staring reality in the face. I have told her that I am here for her no matter what she needs, any time. Is there anything else I can do for her in this time? It seems as if there is nothing appropriate to say in this time, so I know I tell her all the time I am here for her, and try not to bring him up unless she does.

    Any thoughts? It seems like he only has a few weeks left..

  2. My sister in law's father was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer a little over a year ago. He luckily was able to get rid of the cancer and has been in remission for over a year now. Unfortunately last week, she got the news that the cancer is back and has spread slightly. We all know that with this cancer, it is only a matter of time before he will pass away. We have all been very optimistic, hopeful & joyful that he has been able to be healthy this past year, but now the news has created a reality check.

    I've told her already that I am here for her for whatever she needs, and I also told her I don't know what to say, so I can just listen. Is there anything else I can do to support her in this time where she really will have to see the deterioration of her dad?

    Thanks for your advice.

  3. In it, I wrote "thinking of you during this difficult time of year" and then added "I didn't understand what you must have been dealing with and going through. I am sorry I wasn't more empathetic.. I hope you are finding peace"

    He thanked me for the card and told me that I wasn't un-empathetic.. he didn't really talk about his dad passing much, it wasn't anything with me...

    He hasn't reached out to me since and that's okay. That makes sense to him and I just wanted him to know I was there if he needed someone.

    That's how that went.

  4. I think similar to what I did, just let him know you are thinking of him.

    I think it's important to just let your new friend know you are his friend and are there for him to listen if he needs you. He may talk, he may not, but at least he can know that there is safety in discussing it with you.

  5. I am sorry for those that have lost parents and have experienced huge loss. I have not had to deal with this yet, but I am an empathetic person and know any loss is hard. I am making a post to get perspective from those of you that have lost a parent or a loved one.

    I met a great man 4 months after his father passed away, unexpectedly in his sleep, after getting a clean bill of health from his doctor a few weeks before.

    We had a really great relationship and for the first 6-7 months, you would have no idea that he had any sadness in his life... at about 7 months, things started to change dramatically and it coincided with what was the 1 year anniversary of his fathers death. We stayed together for the next few months, however, he started to fall into depression and "felt flat".. It seemed as if he realized that he wasn't ready for handling what a relationship holds, he wasn't happy with his life and couldn't give me what I need emotionally.... ultimately letting out relationship go.

    I was supportive when he was depressed, however, he was very very hesitant to speak of his father and would drop the subject. His friends say he never actually "grieved" verbally with anyone and rarely talks about his dad with them either. There was no burial, just a service, then ashes spread on the one year anniversary.

    He included me in the dinner he had with his mom and sister on the 1 year anniversary, but none of them cried. Just said a prayer. I felt awkward being there, because it was so personal, but he wanted me to be there. Looking back, I definitely could have been more supportive, but I didn't know how or if he was hurting, as he had so many walls up about it.

    My question is this: Grief and loss of a parent is a very difficult thing to handle, I know I can say with confidence, even without experiencing it personally. Is it inappropriate to get in a relationship with a new partner when you are dealing with this loss, so soon after? I realize that these feelings of guilt, grief & anger resurfaced after our "honeymoon" phase ended, it was a lot for him to handle, and led to a demise in our relationship (among other things, but this is the matter at hand) and as I realize this now, I want to get more understanding about getting into a relationship so soon... for those of you that lost, could you imagine getting into a relationship? or did you? How do you think it would affect you?

    thanks in advance.

  6. I think that would be very appropriate and kind. Anniversaries of the death date, birthdate, etc. are very hard. People often don't know what to do so they tiptoe around it...it's not like the survivor can ever forget, and sometimes it means a great deal for someone to just acknowledge their grief and let them know they are there for them should they ever want anyone to talk to. Listening is a great skill.

    thank you... do you think those few words are enough?

  7. A male friend lost his father in April of 2009 suddenly in his sleep. I had met him a few months after the death where we instantly connected and started spending every day together. He never talked about it much, and seemed to be getting on okay... It wasn't until the 1 year anniversary that I started to notice changes. He become more "flat" and distant from his friends, retreating to his apartment and shutting down. I tried to offer help, but he ended up pushing me away too a few months later. I never really acknowledged his grieving, as it didn't seem as if he was taking it very hard until the 1 year mark, and then I realized how much pain he must have been dealing with. I think he was distracting himself for so long, that the pain finally caught up with him.

    Since he's pushed me away, I've been reading a lot about loss and I truly empathize and understand the hurt he must have been feeling. I don't understand it first-hand, but I can say I've learned and sympathize.

    I was considering sending him a "thinking of you" card for the upcoming 2 year anniversary, but I don't know if it's appropriate or not. I was just going to write "thinking of you during this difficult time of year" and that's it. I want to let him know in some way that he can talk to people about it, if he needs to.. that people haven't forgotten, and in a way, I am sorry for not acknowledging his pain.

    Any thoughts appreciated. Thank You.

  8. A male friend lost his father in April of 2009 suddenly in his sleep. I had met him a few months after the death where we instantly connected and started spending every day together. He never talked about it much, and seemed to be getting on okay... It wasn't until the 1 year anniversary that I started to notice changes. He become more "flat" and distant from his friends, retreating to his apartment and shutting down. I tried to offer help, but he ended up pushing me away too a few months later. I never really acknowledged his grieving, as it didn't seem as if he was taking it very hard until the 1 year mark, and then I realized how much pain he must have been dealing with. I think he was distracting himself for so long, that the pain finally caught up with him.

    Since he's pushed me away, I've been reading a lot about loss and I truly empathize and understand the hurt he must have been feeling. I don't understand it first-hand, but I can say I've learned and sympathize.

    I was considering sending him a "thinking of you" card for the upcoming 2 year anniversary, but I don't know if it's appropriate or not. I was just going to write "thinking of you during this difficult time of year" and that's it. I want to let him know in some way that he can talk to people about it, if he needs to.. that people haven't forgotten, and in a way, I am sorry for not acknowledging his pain.

    Any thoughts appreciated. Thank You.

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