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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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    solari hospice
  1. Dear Sad, I know how you feel for my beloved husband passed away last year and still I feel the sadness and the pain of losing him. Everybody will tell you that it will get better but for me that is not so. Many times I have had to go outside and breath the fresh air for fear that I could not get any air in me. I does not get better, but you reach a point where you can finally see other people without breaking down. Someone read my grief an anger at the world and somehow we connected and became friends. We talk every night when we both can't sleep, cry on each others shoulder and now after a year are finally even joking about anything just to get a laugh out of each other. I pray that you too will find someone to connect to that has lost that special someone who will never be replaceable. Tom was the love of my life and my best friend but we have children and grandchildren who love and value me even without him and so somehow it gives me the strength to carry on. It will forever hurt but I hope you will find the strength and the friendship of someone who has gone through what you have and egg you on just as my friend and I have done for each other. evelyn
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