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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by overwhelmed

  1. Thank you so much for the advice. It helps reading that others have similar experiences and I'm not alone in these issues. I do believe this site has so much to offer in the way of support. Everything I read from everyone gives me hope and I feel like I can get through the next day. I did get in touch with a lawyer who I've known for many years and she happens to specialize in wills, estates, and probate. I'm in Ohio, and have learned that it is really tough on spouses who are left to handle it all. I'll keep plugging away and I do try to remember that he never would have wanted me going through this I know that and it helps somewhat.

  2. Mary,

    thanks - I'm finding this site helpful to read how others are handling things. I do want to find some form of group/counselor, but right now there is all the "business" that happens after the funeral is finished. I'm finding all the legal pieces taking over my stress right now, and would rather spend the time grieving and working through my loss. My husband never finished his will nor did he change his beneficiaries over like he was going to when we got married. I get so mad at myself that I didn't follow up, but I was spending my time and my head was in the process of preparing to lose him while praying that he would get better.

  3. I find it a little helpful to see that others are going through what I feel. I just lost my husband 10 days ago and don't even know how to get from one day to the next. I have many of the same feelings you have and appreciate the input others have offered. I get great advice from family and friends, but none of it helps this gut-wrenching pain I have on a regular basis. I did try to get out this past weekend to go buy a pumpkin and broke down in the store. He and I were always in stores together and I realized I'll never have that again and it hurts so badly. I have two step kids and a step grandson from him and I do get along with them, but they have their own lives and I fear losing contact with them. My circumstance is a little different from those I've read on here who were married many years. I only knew my husband 5 years, but we were so close it was like I've always known him. He was married before, but this was my first marriage. We had so many plans for our future as and now there is a hole there and I can't see where it will ever go away. Tomorrow I'm going to try to go back to work for the first time in almost three weeks. I'm scared to be around the people even though they are truly a "family" to us.

    Several of you talk about grief meetings you went to. How did you find out about them? Where would I look. I had an appointment to put my husband in hospice at 1:30 the day he died (he died at 1:05).

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