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Posts posted by brown308

  1. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Kate. She looks like such a sweet and loving dog. I just lost my dog Baby a few weeks ago and I feel like I will never get over her tragic death. I've also lost other pets but by far, her death has effected me the most. There is no way that God would send these special little creatures to earth to share lives and bond with us without allowing them into heaven. I know they go to heaven! I was looking up things on the internet the other day about animals and heaven, and I came across a few wonderful quotes from Pope John Paul. He said, "the way in which man was created suggests a relationship with the spirit or the breath of God. And one reads that after having created man from the dust of the earth, the Lord God 'breathed life into his nostrils and man became a living soul. Also the animals possess a soul and men must love and feel solidarity with our smaller brethren... and they are as close to God as men are." I really found comfort in reading that quote because, like you, it's a common belief in my church that only humans go to heaven.. so I hope that you found it comforting as well. I cannot wait to meet my little Baby up in heaven.. because I know she will be jumping up and down in anticipation until I get there! But for now, I am trying to cope with her not being down here with me, especially for this holiday season. Kate knew that she was especially loved by you and appreciated every moment you and her spent together. There is nothing wrong with still being sad over the loss of your beloved friend. If anything, you should be proud for being such a loving person! It means that you and Kate shared something very special. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season, and know that Kate is watching over you just like Baby is watching over me.

  2. CJ,

    Thank you so much for your response. I can't remember the last time I have felt so heartbroken. I am glad that I have found a place where I am welcome to share my thoughts and feelings. I've recently stopped talking to people I know about it because I feel like they don't understand why I am so upset. I just think it is because they aren't lucky enough to experience such an amazing bond with a "pet." I didn't want to be dealing with this pain alone so it is nice to have this forum and to talk to other people in the same boat. I do tell myself that I didn't mean for it to happen and that it wasn't my fault but it is hard for myself to believe it sometimes.. I wish I had known then what I know now.. but that's not how life works. I will be moving into a new house alone next month and I was planning on taking Baby with me. I'll be living alone and going to school so I will be missing her presence a lot there. She was so adorable. All she wanted was to get as close to me as possible.. and she knew that if she stood on her hind legs and jumped, that she would be picked up and kissed or, if she was lucky, get a little snack from the fridge. I miss that a lot. But the thought of getting another pet is gut-wrenching. Even though it'd be nice to have another companion in the house, the only companion I want is Baby! You should be VERY proud of yourself for all of your accomplishments. I am proud of you and I do not even know you personally! My mother suffered a stroke a while back, so I understand the pain and frustration accompanied with it. You are a great inspiration and I hope that soon I can focus on the happy memories with Baby instead of the sad ones.

    Thank you again,


  3. Baby.jpg

    Well, I'm new to this.. but I have been facing such immense sorrow and guilt over the death of my dog, Baby. I feel like talking to others who have dealt with the same tragedy might help. Baby was the most loving, caring, and funny little dog I have ever met. She gave unconditional love unlike any dog I have even known. So I guess I will talk about the day she died, 11/13. It was a normal lazy Sunday.. I was cleaning up my room and doing laundry when I found out that Baby had been hit by my neighbors car. My neighbor had been speeding in the neighborhood and Baby and the neighbors dog (the neighbors that hit my Baby) were playing in my yard when they chased each other out onto the street. The neighbor hit Baby but the other dog was okay. So I came down to take her to the vet. She wasn't bleeding, she only looked like she had a hurt paw.. but she was wheezing so I thought she might have a collapsed lung. My 9 year old brother sat in the backseat with Baby while I drove to the vet. She was quiet in the car except for a few yelps and the wheezing. Whenever I reached my hand back to pet her head, she stopped wheezing. When we got to the vet's office, I took Baby out of my brothers arms and had him run to the door so we could rush in. But they were closed (as it was a Sunday). Panicked, I called my mom to have her find me one that was open. She gave me a name to a vet that was supposed to be opened, so I drove another 10-15 minutes to that vet. But when we got there, they were closed too. I realized that we were running out of time because she was looking worse and worse with each passing minute. I decided to try to get to the emergency vet, which was about 20 minutes away, as fast as I could.. but on my way, she started choking. I was crying to my brother to see if he could move her to the side so she could get some air.. but nothing he did was working. She started coughing up blood in the back seat and then she stopped choking. She was very quiet. She died before we made it to the animal hospital. I remember looking back at her in her last few minutes of life and her eyes were wide open, and her mouth was wide open.. and she looked so scared. My brother did his best to comfort her in her last moments of life.. And I told him that he was the special one because he was the last person she saw. And he was so brave and strong despite the fact that I was sobbing in the front seat. He didn't start to cry until she had passed away. Everyone in my family seems to be dealing with her death well, even my 9 year old brother who watched her die in his arms. I always try to tell funny or sweet stories about Baby's life so that my brother won't focus on the traumatic death she experienced. I was slowly starting to feel better also.. trying to remember the sweet memories of my dog. But the other night I had a nightmare about her death.. which brought me right back to where I started. I try to remember that she is in a better place.. I've read about Rainbow Bridge and I'm sure she is there waiting for me, but I can't get her dying face out of my head. Instead of cleaning my room, I should have made sure that she was inside.. not out in the yard with the other neighbor dog who always chased her onto the street (she did have an electric collar, but it mysteriously stopped working that day). Maybe if I would have called the vet myself I would have discovered that it was closed before I went all the way there. She still might not have survived, but they could have done something to ease her pain. I tried so hard to get her to a vet but there was nothing I could do.. and there's nothing I can do about it now. I just miss her so much.

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