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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by xrlillia@gmail.com

  1. On Friday I had noticed my cat Sapphire acting kind of weird. Saturday I could really tell that he was not himself. And Sunday I knew something was really wrong. That morning he wasn't his happy self, he was acting sick, and strange. That afternoon around 5 he was asleep and I decided to check up on him. He couldn't stand up. We rushed him to our normal vet and she did a physical exam, nothing seemed wrong, she recommend that we take him to an overnight pet emergency hospital, so we did. I still remember sitting in the back seat of my dad's car holding him. When we got there the vets look at him, ran blood work, and took an x-ray. All the blood work was normal and the x-ray showed nothing. He stayed there over night on an IV. We picked him up at 7 the next morning, the vets said there was no change and that he may have had a neurological problem. We took him back to our normal vet at that time he was pretty much comatose. The vets didn't know what it was and at that point we had no choice but to put him to sleep, he was 8. I stayed there with him and comforted and petted him, even though he wasn't aware of what was happening. It was a long car ride home as I held him in my arms like a baby, I petted him and held his paw and kissed him and cried. When we got home my dad dug him a hole. For a good thirty-minutes I just held him there in my arms in disbelief of how just Thursday he was happy and normal. I asked myself why, what is God's reason? Just 5 months earlier I lost my precious beagle Mollie. I asked myself what is God's plan, he has taken two of my dearly loved pets. I was angry and mad. Mad because I had no closure, did he have stroke, aneurysm, clot? I don't know and I guess I never will know. But I have those pictures and memories and I know that he is with Mollie in heaven.
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