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    San Francisco, CA
  1. Thanks again everyone for the advice. My grandmother just passed away today - so its been a pretty rough month for me and my family. Its nice looking at pictures of my grandma and gf together - they really liked each other a lot. Glad I havent done anything stupid like get rid of things too quickly. Thanks again for everything!
  2. Thanks everyone. I spoke with her brother and he said there is no rush and that I should keep anything I want. I havent had a chance to speak to her mom about it, who is taking it really hard, but I have a feeling she'll feel the same way. I still have another 3 months left on my lease so it'll probably be a gradual process. I'm going backpacking this weekend in her memory (she loved being outdoors and in the forest) and while searching for my sleeping bag I ended up finding more of her stuff in the house including some awesome things that I will want to keep. Really appreciate the advice and I'm glad I havent rushed into anything.
  3. My girlfriend of the last two years passed away three weeks ago from alcohol poisoning and I'm not sure what next steps I should do. We were deeply in love and had talked about having a future together. She suffered from alcoholism and possibly bi-polor disorder which made things very difficult for her and ultimately took her life. One thing I'm not sure what to do about are her possessions. Her brother is coming over today and will be taking away some of her furniture and already I'm feeling like my girlfriends presence in my life will be a passing memory. I feel like that Gotye song "Someone that I Used To Know" and I hate the idea of not only just losing her, but losing all the contributions she made to our home. It makes me happy and feel like she is still with me seeing her clothes, decorations and artwork around. She really made our crappy apartment into something special. The main issue I'm having is that I'm only 27 years old and I know that realistically one day I will need to move on and will date again. I dont want to wake up one day in a new relationship and realize that I need to throw all of my girlfriends things away because I have moved on. This is why I've decided that her brother and mother should end up collecting 99% of her possessions. I'm thinking I should make a photo book with great photos of her and us, keep all the love notes she wrote me, a bottle of her perfume she left and the necklace I gave her which holds sentimental value. Outside of these I might keep a painting she made. Anyway going through this is really tough and I just wanted to see what other people have done in similar situations. Do you keep all the nicknacks, furniture, jewelry, decorations, etc or do you let them go and move on? She was a very important person in my life and deserves being remembered, but I also want to respect any future relationships that I might be in and not have my place covered in things that remind me of her. Thanks
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