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Posts posted by marniesmum

  1. happy birthday my sweet baby

    i will never forget the day you came into my life

    your little scared face really made my heart ache

    i fell for you big time,and knew that i would be so proud of you,and i was so so proud.

    if i was down my sweet chick you was always there for me,i remember the little nudges you gave me as if to say,im here mummy.

    i could never be upset with you,but i didnt need to you was so good for me,most days you would have the whole house on your own for sometimes up to 3 hours and you never touched a thing,just waited for me to come home.

    thankyou baby for being in my life,you truly did light my life up and i will never forget you ever.

    i love you marnie queen. xxx

    my baby would have been 3 today and im absolutely gutted,my life isnt the same without marnie :(

  2. i brought this book a few days ago,and its fantastic.

    im going crazy without my marnie,i just want to give up on life

    as i dont have my baby,but this book has made me realise marnie is with me all the timw :wub::wub: page 229 was fascinating because when my

    baby went with the angels on that very sad day,i started seeing a beautiful white butterfly,saw it everyday at least 10 times a day,i would watch it play in the grass and circle me,even when my O/H was out in the garden the butterfly never came,but as soon as i walk out into the garden there is the butterfly :D:D

    reading Maylissa post this morning put a little fuzzy feeling in my tummy as i too dreamt about marnie,it was in the first week of her going with the angels and i just took it as a dream but i think maybe it was marnie visiting me,i often see something in the back seat of my car when im driving,and always thought no it cant be,but i do think this is now my babe,she followed me everywhere in life,why not now.

    thanks for recommending the book. :):)

    marnie when she was only a few weeks old xxxxxxxx


  3. I have just read this on another site, It seems that this ladies 14 yr old dog Abbey died last month and the day after she died her little 4yr old girl was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if they could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her This is what she dictated to her mum.....

    "Dear God",

    Will you please take special care of our dog,Abbey? She died yesterday, and is in heaven.We miss her very much.We are very happy that you let us have her as our dog even though she got sick.I hope that you will play with her. She likes to play with balls and swim before she got sick.I am sending some photos so that when you see her in heaven you will know she is Our special dog. But I really do miss her.


    her mother then said that they put 2 pictures in with the letter and addressed the envelope to

    God/Heaven. put their return address on it and the little girl posted it off

    After a few days the little girl asked her mother if God would have got the letter yet? and her mother said that she thought he would have.

    The mother had taken the children out for the day and when they got back home there was a package wrapped in gold paper on the front porch.It had agold star card on the front and said

    "TO: MER" in an unfamilar handwriting,

    Meredith opened it and inside was a book by Mr. Rogers. called " When A Pet Dies," taped inside the front cover was the letter they had written to God, in its opened envelope (which was marked Return to Sender; Insufficent address) On the opposite page, one of the pictures of Abbey was taped under the words

    "For Meredith." they turned to the back cover and there was the other picture of Abbey, and this handwritten note on pink paper;

    " Dear Mer,

    I know that you will be happy to know that Abbey arrived safely and soundly in Heaven! Having the pictures you sent to me was such a big help. I recognized Abbey right away. You know, Meredith, she isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with Me----just like she stays in your heart----young and running and playing. Abbey loved being your dog, you know. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven. I don't have any pockets !----

    so I can't keep your beautiful letter. I am sending it back to you with the pictures so that you will have this book to keep and Remember Abbey. One of my angels is taking care of this for me. I hope the little book helps. Thank you for your beautiful letter. Thank your mother for sending it. what a wonderful mother you have! I picked her especially for you.

    I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. by the way I am in heaven and wherever there is love

    Love God.........and the special angel who wrote this after God told her the words."

    The mother's said.....As a parent and a pet lover, this is one of the kindest things that I've ever experienced. I have no way to know who sent it, but there is some very kind soul working in the dead letter office. and she just wanted to share this act of compassion......with everyone.

  4. thankyou all for the very kind comments of my babys montage :wub:

    its been 5 weeks today since marnie left me to go with the angels,and the pain is unbearable,i miss her so much its hurts,i kep expecting marnie to jump on the sofa with me for our hugs,but it just dont come and that kills me.

    we did go out and get another great dane,hes a boy this time and he has helped me a bit,keeps my mind occupied for a bit,but im sad that my time isnt occupied with marnie as she was my very special little angel,doofas the new pup is gorgeous and needs me as his mummy,which i hope im doing that cos i know marnie would not me being sad all the time and will want me to try my best at being a new mummy,but i will never forget my angel for as long as i live,marnie really is half of my heart and i love her to bits.

    sarah and marnie xx

    here is the new puppy doofas



  5. Thankyou for your kind comments, :wub: i was and am so proud of marnie,

    she was such a little angel and worshipped the ground i walked on.

    nearly a year ago marnie was attacked down the field and the dog opened up her back it was very nasty,she had to go sleep and have her back stitched up :( thats why marnie had the stud muffin t-shirt on to cover her back,for 8 months after that she slept in my bed just me and marnie and it was the nicest 8 months of my life,but since being attacked it changed her into a playful little angel to a scared baby,she never tolerated dogs after that,and wanted to get them before they got her :( so i feel quite sad that she never really interacted with dogs in the last year of her life,but to be honest i think marnie just prefered my company and playing with me down the field,but i still feel sad about that especially as it wasnt her fault :(

    That chair you saw was marnies chair,and nobody has sat in it since marnie went with the angels,she didnt really fit in it bless her,but she loved that chair :)

    i love all the photos at christmas and birthdays cos she was like a little human opening her presents,she ripped a bit of paper off spat it out then carried on until she got her present,and she had loads :)

    thanks again you 2 for your lovely comments,it means so much to me.

    just gonna pop a picture on of when marnie came home from surgery,broke my heart when she got attacked and then came home after surgery all sullen :(

    the vet did a really good job of mending her back,as it was as if she had been slashed by a huge knike sideways twice,they stitched marnie up and made her back look really good and some how smaller.

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    sorry pic is a bit big,and i dont know how to make it smaller sorry

  6. thankyou for your reply,i just dont know how to deal with,ive just had my cry for the day and now feel so lost,she was such a beautiful baby,followed me everywhere,i miss taking her for her run down our special field,like you said life isnt fair.

    horrible thing is we have just moved 5 weeks ago to a house with a lovely big garden all for marnie,cos we never had this at our last place,took us 2 years to find a house with a garden and a landlord that would accept dogs :(:(


    There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water, and warm Spring weather. Those old and frail animals are young again. Those who have been maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other.

    But there is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up. The nose twitches, the ears are up, the eyes are staring, and this one suddenly runs from the group. You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.

    Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.

    - Author Unknown

    Mummy loves you sweetheart xx

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  8. Its been 3 weeks since my baby went with the angels :( and i just want

    her back,i miss her so much she was my life.

    marnie was only 2 and a half so still a baby,she had a heart attack in her

    sleep and we had no signs that my baby had a poorly heart,i woke up saturday

    morning and went downstairs my angel was on the sofa as normal,and i thought she was asleep so i went and made a cup of tea,i then sat on the other sofa with my O/H and looked over to her,i said to my O/H is marnie breathing so i rushed over and my baby was cold and not breathing,my whole life crumbled :( i tried to give her the kiss of life and pleaded for her to come back to me but she didnt and now all i have to show for my gorgeous girl is an urn with her ashes in,im not finding this easy at all and even with time going by i feel so down,i cry everyday i just want her back with me,we went everywhere together and did everything together she was my routine and my whole life.

    Great danes have not got a good life span but 2 and a half she was just a baby she had a few more years to live yet,so why take her from me now.

    im so angry,i feel like smashing my house up.this is so not fair ive never felt so much hurt.

    i hope you dont mind,but heres my baby.

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