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Posts posted by BillT

  1. I hear you Rldownes,

    I can't offer any advice, as I am in a similar state as you described. My Mary Kay has been gone for 28 months.  Just recently (last couple of months) Loneliness has entered my life and at times seems able to absolutely crush my spirit.  I think that is going to push me toward interacting with other human beings in general, and with single women in specifically.  How I'm going to do that?  I haven't a clue.  Now I'm as you described, "I don't want to be alone the rest of my life I want to feel love again,  do I realize it will not be the same as what I had ...."

    Reminds me of the old Chinese curse: May you lead an interesting life.  



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  2. Pauly you have come to this place where people truly understand what you are going through.  That doesn't help much, but it does help.  Read the posts of others and you will find that there are those who are traveling the road you travel, or have traveled the road further than you have at this point.  This is possibly the hardest thing that we do in life, continuing on when our every reason for living has been taken from us.

    The love of my life was taken from me just two years ago.  I won't say that my existence is "better" after two years, but I believe that I am learning to cope.

    Completely understandable that the holidays have slammed you.  Go easy on yourself.  Sometimes we can only survive a minute at a time.  Anger, guilt, and emptiness follows us.  You will encounter times when you will not feel the burdens as heavily as you do now.  Survive this time, one minute at a time.

    Prayers to you Pauly



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  3. That is just beautiful.  My Mary Kay would have been enthralled.  It is as if I can heaar hfer just going on and on about the colors, especially the Christmas scene.  She was always so appreciative of everything.  I especially like the scene from the castle - the one overlooking the river.  Thank you Janka for sharing the pictures with me.

    Here below is one of my favorite pictures of the Love of my life.


    MK Sweetheart.jpg

    • Like 2
  4. Many souls here are walking the path that you have been set upon.  None of us chose this path, but there is nothing to do but travel it.  My heart goes out to you.  Your pain is felt here.  There is no "fix", but they tell me that we will eventually find our way.  This site allows us to read and speak with others who do understand.

    Prayers to you.


    • Upvote 7
  5. 49 minutes ago, Gettingthrough79 said:

    No one knows what this feels like unless they've been through it.

    I believe that is the crux of the issue of people "not understanding".  They don't understand because they can't understand unless they have been through it, and possibly only if they have been through it recently.  I have lost a sister, a wife , a girlfriend, a father, mother, step father, and now, just eight months ago, my soulmate.  None of the previous losses prepared me in any way for the loss of my soulmate.  I understand that people do not understand.

    Love and prayers are with you.


    • Upvote 4
  6. 34 minutes ago, Gin said:

    Last night when I was awake again, I turned on the TV.  Well, tried to.  The remote did not turn it on.  Hunted for new batteries...still nothing.  The little light is on, so I assume there is power.  If I push the volume, the little light blinks, so I assume the remote works.  Fairly new tv.  I keep the tv on a lot, even if I do not watch.  Time for radio.

    coming home from the dentist, I had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.  It has been almost a year and it is still there.



    The same thing happened with my TV a couple of months ago.  To get it back to operating normally, I had to turn off the TV and unplug it from the wall.  I waited 30 minutes, plugged it back in, and when it came back on, my remote functioned normally.  If you try this, I hope it works for you too!

    Love & prayers to you,



    • Upvote 3
  7. Roary,

    I am so sorry for you losing your Bob.  This forum is a good place for expressing your grief and reading the thoughts of others who are going through similar agonies.  

    I lost my sweet Mary Kay in January.  We were soul mates from the first day, 18 years ago.  I miss her every minute of every day.  

    Janet welcome to the group.  Visit often and share your grief.  You are in the right place.

    Love and prayers,




    • Upvote 5
  8. Cookie,

    My heart goes out to you, I miss my Mary Kay so much that I just do not want to go on.  I lost the love of my life just seven months ago.  Sadness and tremendous loss - yes, oh yes.  Cookie, I wish that I could say something that would ease your pain, but I don't believe the words exist.  We miss our loved ones and the pain cuts us to our souls.  Like you, I, at 65 feel that my life is likely over.  Know that people here on this site have a idea of what you are going through and love and prayers are coming to you.  


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  9. TerriL,

    I wish that I could say something positive, but I can't.  I can say that you are not alone in having that feeling.  I lost the love of my life, my Mary Kay 6 months and 18 days ago.  Totally unexpected. She was my everything.  I have no desire to go on, nothing to offer others, and nothing to look forward to, except for the day that I will join her.

    I have had a bad last few days.  Maybe someday I will feel differently.

    Prayers to you TerriL.


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