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  1. Thank you for your repy, Crossmateo. Im so sorry for your loss. These kind of things are always so difficult to go thru.
  2. Can you imagine what my dog must of been feeling with a growth that popped up over night that was the large! There's no telling what he must of went thru over night. One day it wasnt there and the next morning- there it was. as large as a golf ball- overnight. That must of felt weird while that thing was growing that large over night. My poor baby,
  3. Thank you! You are doing so much good in the world. God bless. Very comforting to read your post here. I will certainly keep all that in mind. It will help me!
  4. Thank you for your kind words, Clematis. What you wrote is very comforting to me. Maybe he did see the growth? It was turned towards him when i brought my dog in the room.
  5. So sorry for your loss! I understand all the questions & doubt. I have them too. If only i had had the vet's confirmation that it had been cancer! I didnt handle the situation correctly because i was so numb I couldnt even feel. I didnt even cry at first. I just stood there- not even feeling my body. I felt like i had been given a big Novocaine shot. I hope the vet didint think i didnt care! .
  6. Id say, if you have to ask yourself and arent sure , go with the side of caution and dont use the dish because once you do, you cant go back and you may end up regretting it.
  7. one morning i woke up and my 15 year old boston had a golf ball sized black growth on the side of his nose (not in his nose- it was on his muzzle). it popped up over night. It scared me because it had grown so fast. it wasnt there the day before. I made an appointment to have him put to sleep that day. I didnt want him to suffer from it. He also had arthritis real bad and could hardly stand some days & was going blind. But, I was in shock & numb when i brought him in to get PTS and didnt think about asking the vet to look at it. (i wasnt thinking, I was so numb, it was like i was out of my body ) He didnt ask me why i was putting him to sleep. I doubt he saw the growth, he didnt look at his face. He just gave him the shot. Is there a possibility it was cancer? It grew real large over night. And when i touched it, it felt a little rough (it was hairless) and he rubbed it against my finger like it was itchy. So i know it was itching him. I cant stand the thought that i put him to sleep for nothing. It's killing me and i want to die! I feel so guilty! I know you cant tell without a biopsy, but does it at least sound like cancer? I tried to make an appointment to talk to the vet, the first 2 calls were not returned and then he told the receptionist to tell me I need professional help. He wouldnt talk to me! I know without a biopsy, no one can tell, but can you help relieve my mind and say that it sounds like it was cancer? I failed my baby by not thinking straight when it was so important which caused his death! This happened in 2014 and im still suffering from guilt. Can you see why i have such guilt? I KNOW i killed my baby for nothing! I cant believe I did that. I can NEVER forgive myself! Thanks, so much!.
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