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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

it hurts

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Everything posted by it hurts

  1. I'm fifteen.I just lot my beloved chihuhua Marco, who was only two years old, by accident. He was killed by the neighbors dog. we tried to press charges, but there were no witnesses. I suffer from an anxiety disorder, so he was a major source of solace for me. I try to depend on my mom, but she is always cranky, or frustrated at me about something. I am having such a hard time dealing with the grief, as this only happened a few days ago, but my mom is just being cranky again, saying that I am wearing her down, and "don't you want me to live a long life too?". I feel like a freak. The rest of my family have moments of happiness and seem to be over it by now (which they really shouldn't be considering the time frame). They say they aren't over it. My dad says I am being selfish for making others put up with me.I feel like a burden. I've talked to a therapist and a priest already, which did help some. But I want to know that I will see him again someday, and that we will be reunited. I don't even know how i am going to deal with school. I have talked to my teachers and councelors about already though. I just wish people weren't so frustrated with me. My disorder does cause me perseverate on things. Do you think I will see my little Marco again?
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