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Posts posted by heymialouise

  1. On 2/16/2017 at 7:23 AM, Finch said:

    How does one come to terms with or deal with the fact that their loved one suffered the physical pain of or leading up to dying? As far as I am aware, Crystal had a painful last few days due to the fast spread of the cancer. She was heavily sedated during this time which helped control it I think.

    Half the problem is, I'll never truly know how much pain she was or wasn't in because I wasn't there.

    But I find it immensely difficult to find any way to be at peace with what she may have gone through. Someone you love more than anything, someone you want to protect, having to go through that. 



    Oh Finch, 
    I know exactly how you feel, it's agonizing to watch the ones we love, in pain.  The only source of comfort I can offer right now is the assurance that Crystal is no longer suffering.  No matter how hard it is to redirect your thoughts, you have to try and remember how at peace she is now.  I had the pleasure of following a blog about a basketball player and his wife and praying for this couple who were going through a battle with cancer.  Unfortunately, he passed away 2 years later, but his wife focused on the time they had together and how important it was for the people who followed to know he lived each day to its fullest.  Despite the pain, she reminded us that he would have wanted us to remember the best, not the worst.  Choose the best about Crystal, not the worst, and hold on to the fact that she knew you loved her. 
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