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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by annemar

  1. Hi J,

    Sorry to be getting back to you so late. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about the loss of your mother. Your reply has helped me and I can totally relate to the dream you had. I finally had a dream of my mom also. We were all sitting in the dining room of the house I grew up in. She was sitting at the end of the table. I looked at her and started to sob in my dream because I could not believe I was finally seeing her again as a healthy woman. I went up to her and told her that I missed her very much and then I started to cry again. She put her hands on my shoulder and said a matter of factly that she is in no longer in pain and to always remember that. She kind of responded to me the same way your mom responded to you - as if she could not relate to emotions anymore. Believe me, my mom was always an emotional woman - would always cry over the thought or stories being told of her loved ones who passed. Then I asked my mom if she had any message for my dad and she said to tell him she is not happy with how he is doing the banking. I woke up feeling like a stronger person because of that dream. It is true, she is no longer in pain. I then called my dad and relayed the message to him and he started to laugh because he has overpaid some of his bills, which I had no idea about. Hope you're doing better. The recovery process seems like a long journey. Some days will be stronger than others and on other days just thought of your loved one will get you very upset. Just hold on to all of the wonderful memories you have and share stories with people about your mom. This will keep her memory alive.


  2. I will be joining you all as well. My mom's name was Eileen and she passed March 24, 2007. I will be saying a prayer for her, for your mother's and for all of you. May this day at this time bring us all a sense of comfort and peace. Any may all of our mother's who have passed give us a sense that they are truly with us on this special day.

  3. Thank you to all of those who responded. I am so sorry for all of your losses. It is so comforting to know that I am not alone in my pain. We are all alike in that someone we cared for very much left this world and we share the same feelings of despair, emptiness and loss. It helped me to know that some of you had dreams and that some of you also question heaven. Deep down I know my mom is "free" of her cancer stricken body and hopefully reunited again with the loved ones she once lost. I must admit as spiritual as she was, towards the end she was very scared, as I think most of us will be. That, I think, is what really affected me. I keep picturing her being scared, sad, and angry that she was going to be leaving us and saying how unfair everything is. She wanted to see her grandchildren grow up and be at their weddings. She desperately wanted to see how they would all turn out in life. All her and my dad ever talked about was retirement and what they would do when they retire. She worked so hard her whole life and never got to see retirement. I know how lucky I was to be with my mom for 34 years of my life and for her to see my children. I know there are people out there who lost their mom's a lot younger than I. I guess the time you spend with your mom is never enough when you are so close to her. I always say to everyone who still has their mom around "cherish every moment you have with her and always let her know how much she means to you". You have all inspired me to be patient and that healing is a process. I do strongly hope one day she will come to me in my dreams to let me know she is happy and okay. Then, at that moment, I will believe there is a peaceful place we go to. ~Anne

  4. I am a new member. I just lost my mom on March 24, 2007 to breast cancer. She was 60 years old. She suffered for 16 months with it, which was heartwrenching. She was so vibrant and full of life before she got sick. My mom and I were soul mates and always talked about the meaning of dreams. When my grandparents had died I dreamt of them and they were healthy and happy in my dreams and said good-bye to me. The only dreams I have of my mom are of her laying in the hospice bed really sick or of her being in a room with my family and I and being sick with cancer. I don't have any other sense of her. I don't feel her near me and I can't seem to have any dreams of her being happy and at peace like I did with my grandparents. My mom was a very spiritual person and we always talked about what heaven must be like. I question heaven now. I don't even know if there is one. I know that is a horrible thing to say but I just wish someone could whisper in my ear and tell me that my mom is finally at peace. My question to everyone is do you sense your loved one around you or have you had any peaceful dreams of them? Did anyone question heaven when their loved one died? I am sure you did, but I would love to hear from you. Thanks for listening :) ~Anne

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