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Posts posted by tedsan

  1. heres an e-mail i wrote to my mom-mom (the only one in my family who understands and will TALK to me). I think it pretty much shows what I am feeling. please reply!

    Hi mom-mom,

    Tonight I was just thinking about Teddy. Me and Dana are going to pick him up tomorrow. It will be SO HARD. My mom and dad said no to cremating him, because it will cost $100. I really dont want to go to the vet and pick up another frozen body and have to dig another hole. I was thinking about having him cremated with other animals, but I decided I didn;t want him burned with a bunch of other animals and throw out; i need some memorial of him (besides the one of him adn sandy i have on my dresser). Tonight i just cried, for like 45 mins in my room. it felt so good, to just cry long and hard. O, great, all this has gotten me started up again...hold on... ok, its 10 minutes later and i officialy am going to shrivel up from lack of liquid in my body. I just want them both back so much. no one really understands, especialy about teddy. i was the only one who loved him with my whole heart. my mom was the only one who even liked him. also, no one really wants to talk about it...everytime i bring it up, they change the subject. everyone but you, of course. it felt so good to spill my guts to you on the phone. i just want my pets back. Sandy was old, but Teddy was young! He was only like, 2 1/2! he was supposed to live five years! He was my confidant, my best friend. he knew everything i had to say. hold it, i started up again....k, im back. i'm starting to look all wrinkly,,,no more liquid. i remembrer reading with him, him all curled in my arms, nibbling the pages, licking me, letting out littel squeaks of content now and then, loving every minute of it, just like me. Ugh, i am so tured. I'll tell you tomorrow about the funeral..wow, that will be sad. one mourner. good night. love you. see you soon.

  2. Oh my God. I feel so bad for you! Reading about how you hate what people say really struck a chord with me. I am thirteen, and I recently lost my 19 year old cat ( along with my 3 year old guinea pig, who died less than two weeks after) it was three weeks ago, and every time i think of either of them, i start to cry. When Sandy died, all my friends were either well, she had a good life, or she was old, or get on with your life. even my mom said we did the best thing by putting her to sleep. I agree, but that DOES NOT LESSEN THE HURT. I miss my two sweetie pies with all my heart. my advice is find someone to talk to. my grandmother fully understood. she cried with me, and encouraged me to let my feelings out (something not generaly encouraged in mi familia). it made me feel really good. please write back.


  3. Ohh, I am SO SORRY for you! You must feel awful. I know i do. My nineteen year old cat just died. I am 13, so she has been around my entire life. If you have any tips on how to handle the death of a cat, please email me, because my pain is unbearable. even worse, I lost my guinea pig, my companion of 3 years. Please, email me back and we can talk about Merlin and Sandy.


  4. My name is Becka. I am 13 and recently lost my two best friends: a 19 year old cat named sandy, and a 3 year old guinea pig named teddy.

    Obviously, my cat had been with my family long before i wass born. I loved her as i loved a family member, because she was always there with a lick and a purr. On April 28, she stopped breathing. we rushed her to the hospital. this had happened once before, and she wasn't the same after it. we figured she would come out ok (well, not ok, she hadnt been ok since she'd been hit by a car) and come home. but she didn't get better. when i came home on April 29, I knew that by the look in my mom's eyes, she had to put sandy to sleep. on Friday, my mom and i buried her with some flowers and a can of her food. Then, just when the huge hole in my heart had just about begun to heal, on fateful friday, my guinea pig took sick for the last time.

    I got teddy for my 10th birthday. he was the first pet that was ever mine, and i loved him with all my heart. teddy had gotten deathly sick before (three times), but something told me this time he wouldn't be okay. when i went to clean his cage on friday, he was lying on his side, not breathing right, not supporting himself, eyes all gummy. i called my mom, and we took him to the vet, where i was told he would probably not live through it. I got a call on sunday, saying he was getting a little worse. even so, i expected him to live for at least a few more days. after all, he was a tough little scrapper.

    then i came home from school today. there was a message on the ,achine telling me he had died. i found out almost an hour ago. this is really hard. if anyone can offer some comfort, please do? losing my two best friennds has been the hardest experience in my short life, in such a short period of time. please, reply.

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