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Posts posted by Corinne

  1. (((Wendy))) my dear friend,

    I know that tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of Steve's passing but I have a busy morning tomorrow and did not want you to think I forgot. It is so hard to believe it has been 2 years for us already. It is amazing how time flies yet stands still all at the same time. Please take care of yourself tomorrow and try to spend the day remembering all the wonderful times you and Steve spent together. Try to find comfort in the fact that Steve will always be with you. If you need me you know I am here for you!

    Love and Hugs, :wub:


  2. Wendy, Mary Linda, Kath & Kay,

    Thank you for thinking of me!! It actually has been a pretty good day. I took the girls shopping so that we could pick out matching pants and shirts because we are having our picture taken at the girl's school next Saturday. It actually went amazingly well without any fighting (Kayla only wears a few things and is very picky). We then went to the grocery store and I bought myself flowers, Jimmy always suprised me with flowers, sometimes for no reason. I also decided today to start wearing the diamond Jimmy gave me on my right hand. It is so pretty and I feel it is crazy to just keep it in my jewelry box. I feel that if anyone doesn't like me wearing it then it is their problem not mine! I do still miss Jimmy terribly but I am trying to concentrate on all the good memories and we had so many :D . The only hard thing today was when we were leaving the store there were teenagers along the entrance/exit collecting money to help prevent teenage suicide. I gave them some money and then my girls wanted to know what suicide was and I had to explain it to them without totally breaking down. :( I did get through it and now the girls and I are just hanging out. Thanks again for thinking of me!

    Love & Hugs, :wub:


  3. Dear aces67,

    I am so very sorry for your losses. I just wanted to let you know that what you are experiencing is very normal. My husband was dying of cancer and in his last days he shot himself while I was in the shower. I also lost my children's father because he went out drinking all day and decided to walk home in sub-freezing temperatures through the woods without a coat and was not found for 2 months. Though my situations were not the same as yours they were very traumatic and I experienced everything you are going through and I want you to know it is normal. Your system has been shocked into the reality of life and death and how quickly it can happen. It takes a while to sort through everything and put everything into perspective but you will be ok. Definitely check out the links that Marty has listed for you.

    Wishing you peace,


  4. John,

    Thank you so much for sharing this. Wendy sent it to me and it made me smile. That is how I think of Jimmy. For so long when I thought of him it was with sadness, now when I think of him I smile and I am so thankful of how much love we shared and how much he taught me. I know that he is waiting for me and someday we will be together again.

    Love & Hugs, :wub:


  5. (((Kay))),

    Hooray, I am so glad you let that out. It is amazing how people are so quick to judge our actions and offer advice when they have no idea of the reasoning of why we do things whether it be to protect ourselves emotionally or financially. I say with what you have been through and what you are continuing to go through, you are doing an amazing job!!! If your so called friends are not smart enough to understand the reason you are doing these things then they should either SHUT UP or stay out of your life. :angry2: Friends support each other they do not judge or question what we do. Know that you have friends and family here that support you and are very, very proud of how you are handling things!!! :D

    Love & Hugs, :wub:


  6. Dear Mossfire,

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I would like to welcome you to this site, here you will find the most loving, understanding, precious people you could ever want to meet. You are so new to this grief journey that I am sure you are still numb. Please keep coming here to cry, scream, vent, share, whatever it is you need to do. Here you can say anything and not be judge for it.



  7. Kay,

    It is amazing how our relationships are so alike. Your John and my John sound so much alike it is amazing. I went through the sadness of losing him and what could have been and the why couldn't he love me and treat me the way Jimmy did. It will be 2 years next month that John is gone and I now find myself missing Jimmy and what we had more than ever. I have also found that I now see who I became when I was with Jimmy is now coming back to me. I am once again becoming strong and self confident (things John took away from me). I don't know if I will ever be in a relationship again, as I am still healing from the last one, but I do know that if I ever am in another relationship I will stay strong and never let anyone take me down to that level again. I am telling you these things because I want you to know that I know how painful and horrible this is right now but I also know that you are going to be ok. Hang in there because you are one awesome lady.

    Love & Hugs, :wub:


  8. Karen my firend,

    It is good to hear from you. In my opinion you do what YOU feel is right about the pictures but I want to let you know my experience. After Jimmy died and I met John, I had to put all of Jimmy's pictures away and was not able to talk about Jimmy because John was jealous, Jimmy was still in my thoughts every day. Needless to say I should have taken that as a hint when that relationship started. I will never again get involved with anyone that cannot accept my forever love with Jimmy and if I want to talk about him or have pictures out I will because as Dusky said pictures are your memories and Jimmy will always be a part of me.

    Love & Hugs, :wub:


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