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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by gwennie

  1. GypsyMamaX2, I send you my sympathy. Your Lilly was a brave little fur-person. Have you been to Rainbow Bridge? Here's the URL:


    I feel for you. I had a silky years ago..she was 8 when I got her..my boss and his wife were going through a bitter divorce and neither had time for Dandy (short for Dandelion). She was the most precious dog I ever had. I was blessed with her company for 6 more years. Silkies are a great breed. I hope you will consider getting another. Lilly wouldn't want you to be sad.

    Please know that you are in my thoughts..if one hasnt lost a dear, beloved pet, they dont know the pain and grief is as if a human family member had passed on.

  2. I thought I was ready for this..I have always been so strong, but now I am so sad, confused, adrift. My husband, Larry, passed away, here at home, as he wanted, last Friday, with me and his HOV nurse. He was ready..I thought I was ready..I knew his suffering would be over, that he would be better off. It's only been 4 days, but each day, it gets more difficult for me. We would have been married 37 years this August 1st. I am wondering if I will ever be okay again. I feel like half a person. The night is so long, so lonely, so empty. sad.gif

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