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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

My Forever Everything (Beck)


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To my soulmate, Beck:

It's been three years now. The entire world changed after you left. Words cannot even begin to describe how much I miss you. For sixteen years you made my life so much better. I wear some of your ashes in a sapphire necklace, I call it my "Becklace." 

I know you were watching out for Sphinx and I on her last day on Earth. I was never able to replicate how that necklace reflected the sun and filled the room with brilliant silver and blue light - the way a disco ball reflects specks of light on a dance floor. And I wear this thing every single day. You calmed her and she went back to sleep with your light caressing her. Thank you for your help that day, I needed it.

I look forward to seeing you, Sphinx and Cleo again. Take care of Nile when he gets to the meadows! He's still doing well but his kidney disease is a death sentence. I know he misses you all. 

Love, mum.


In Memory of Beck
March 20,2003 - Feb 2, 2019








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