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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

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I was copying some old posts before they go away when the new server is introduced and discovered that it is one year tomorrow since I joined this board. I did not remember that date at all but I do remember looking all over the web for grief forums because in my small town the resources for grief groups is really limited. I had completed the spousal loss group with Hospice in Madison 50 minutes away. I had seen a grief counselor several times but wanted something more regular. I checked out many and left many in short order for the most part. I happened on this one in my searching.

How grateful I am that I discovered this safe place to fall. I wish to thank all of you for your support, input, listening and understanding. Marty, your wise, loving, and supportive leadership has created this safe and understanding place for all of us. You do it well. I thank you.

I came aboard feeling I HAD to be capable of handling this horrific pain better than I was because, after all, I have helped hundreds over 40 years of doing therapy. I have walked with many, held them as they sobbed, challenged them when appropriate, shared insights as needed, and more. I SHOULD be doing this well. But I wasn't doing it well. I was barely surviving. Had no clue how I would survive 5 minutes from now. Over this past year I have shared my pain, anger, frustrations, and more (cautiously at first to stranger and ultimately with increasing vulnerability) and in return have been embraced and understood.

How grateful I am. Thank you one and all. Not sure where I would be without all of you. I will be around for a long while...that I know. And I want to support others as much as I can...those who are here now and those who will be coming aboard and journeying with us.



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