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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Research Interviews On Understanding Sibling Loss


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Good morning, everyone.

Please see the attached flyer explaining a study that I am completing for my dissertation. I have lost 2 siblings and am interested in researching the unique story of sibling loss. I have been approved to do telephone or Skype interviews, so please know that geographical area is not a barrier to participating.

Please consider volunteering for my study. I appreciate your time!

PS-I have permission from the moderator to post this. :)

Thank you, Amy


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Hello everyone. I have modified my study slightly. I have removed the criteria that both siblings were living in the family in home at the time of loss. If you have lost a sibling and are over the age of 18, please consider joining my study. The recruitment flyer is below. Phone or video chat options are available. Thanks! :)

Have you experienced the death of a sibling?

I would like to talk to individuals who have lost a sibling, as part of my dissertation at Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University. I hope to learn more about the grief experience of siblings. This study will take place in the spring/summer of 2015.

I would like to invite any individual who is 18 years or older who has lost a sibling to participate in the study. The interview will take approximately 60 minutes to complete. The interview may be completed in a private room at Illinois State University, a private room at a public library, or in your home depending on your preference. If you would prefer, the interview may be conducted by phone or by video chat. The interview will be audio recorded and transcribed.

You must be 18 to participate in this study. Your participation in this study is voluntary and you may leave the study at any time, without penalty. You may choose to stop the interview at any time. Your confidentiality will be protected. No identifying information, including your name, will be kept with the interview.

There is no direct benefit to you from participating in this study, but in past studies, people have reported feeling better after discussing their grief. They also appreciated being able to help others and assist investigators in understanding grief. Your participation in this research will help health care professionals better understand the needs of grieving siblings.

Please consider telling your story of sibling loss.

For more information on this study, please contact Amy Funk at amfunk@ilstu.edu or text/call 309-669-8773.

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