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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

My first day

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My name is Stephanie I live in Tennessee I'm 41years old. On September 5th 2015 my life changed forever.  My husband of almost 11 years had a epileptic seizure at 5:30 am that morning. This seziure was not a bad one like I have seen him have in the passed.  I did everything I always did when he had a seziure, I would always get the dog out of the bed and put him up and get the covers off of jason so he wouldn't trip getting up. He would always get up and walk around the house.  This time that didn't happen. I didn't know anything was wrong he was still breathing. I decided to lay back down for a little while  when he quit breathing  my mom started CPR I called  911 but after 40 minutes working on him he was gone. He was only 38 yes old. I am so mad that all the bad people live and my sweet husband is gone, it's not fair. I found this forum yesterday and I c an relate to  everyone.  I met Jason on the Internet  and the next day met him in person  and it was love at first sight for us both. I have ever family  who is theither for me. My brother  passed away  3 yes ago so my sister in law has helped a lot.  I'm thankful I've found this site.

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