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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Diann

  1. I too hate the statement "You're so strong, you'll get through this too", My wound is still fresh since my fiance' was just tragically killed a week ago, so I have to keep hearing this dreaded statement "How are you doing"....Uhmmmmm let's see, my wedding would be in ten days from today, my fiance', my love, my everything was taken from me because some dumb person's driving inability, but yeah I guess I feel as well as can be expected considering all my dreams were killed that day, my life as I once knew it is gone, my honey who took care of everything (physically, emotionally, finicially, and so much more) for me is no longer here to do anything, and he was ripped from me before I even got to become his wife, which I dreamed of doing for 13 years, but hey yeah I'm doing just fine today. urgghhhhhh


    You are doing better than I was after the death of youi Brian. I wasn't able to talk about my feelings or even express my dispair for almost 6 months. It was just too painful. At least you express your raw emotions this soon and i think that is good. I know you feel cheated that he was taken from you at a time when you were looking forward to such wonderful events ahead of you. I am so sorry for your loss and can only tell you that in the months ahead, the heartache will ease some. It will never go away but, somehow, you learn to live with it. Diann

  2. I feel the pain within my heart

    Each day I'm not with you.

    The lonliness---it seems at times

    I just cannot get through.

    The final journey that you took

    Left me to live alone.

    I want to hear your voice again...

    The sweet voice I have known.

    When death took yiou away from me

    I couldn't think or breathe.

    Without your presence I was lost.

    It brought me to my knees.

    I prayed that God would give me strength

    To face the days ahead

    And heal this broken heart of mine

    With memories instead.

    I long to hear your voice and see

    You smile at me once more.

    But until then I'll have to pray

    For what God has in store.

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