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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by emptyinside

  1. Even more than 2 years on, I feel like I overreact a lot easier now. Not about unimportant things. Let's say I THINK someone might be upset or disappointed or annoyed with me, I start to cry. It's like I want everyone to like me all the time. If I'm not 100% perfect, I feel like I've failed. Can anyone relate to this? Is this common in grief because it doesn't seem so.

  2. Uh-huh. I figure it's permanent. It's been six years for me and I still can't read a book and have a hard time concentrating/focusing. I think it did permanent damage from the shock...that's my take on it anyway.

    That's an interesting take. I've been thinking that, too. Even though quite some time has passed since my loss, I still find it hard for me to concentrate on certain things.

  3. I completely agree and feel the same way. I resent the fact that I can't share my true feelings to anyone I want to.

    Today would have been my moms 78th birthday. I feel sad but put it aside in front of others to spare them being uncomfortable. That is truly unfair. Today I was with a friend, a fairly new one., but pretty close. Met her after mom died but before dad. I mentioned that it is moms birthday today and was disappointed by the response. So, today I realized, right then and there, she was added to the list of people I can't talk to. On the flip side, another friend called just to say she was thinking of me today.

    My brother and I sent flowers to mom and dad today. It feels nice to do it but, wish we could actually just have them here.

    Peace to all.


    May I ask what the friend's response was that disappointed you? I find myself being very disappointed in people myself.

  4. Is anyone else more insecure in relationships (of any kind) after losing someone? It could be with friends, lovers, or anything. I find myself needing more assurance from others, questioning in my mind if people still like me, if what I said earlier sounded strange, if people would even notice if I passed away. I wasn't like this before, but it's been a problem after my loss.

  5. I'm curious to know if anyone else experiences flashbacks. They don't have to be classic flashbacks (of trauma, of death, of happier times). It can be this fuzzy and strange feeling in your head, like you've been through a deja vu moment or time warp.

    This happens to me when I encounter things for the first time since the death. For example, I'll hear a song and recall the last time I remember hearing it was with the person I lost. Or I'll read something. Or it might even be a smell or walking into a place.

    I just happened to hear this song, and I'm sitting here feeling really unsettled. I'm out of breath (it feels like I'm about to fall). My brain is a little confused because after hearing the song my heart feels like no time has passed since I last saw the person. It's as if the song transported me back to the past when I'd lost no one. But I know he's no longer here and time has passed.

    I don't even know what to call this sensation. Is this pain? Is it just confusion? I just feel...discombobulated. Like I'm currently living in the past and present at the same time. Hearing the song filled me with such longing. :(:wacko:

  6. Is anyone else out there tired, even if you haven't DONE anything?

    I feel like I need a 5 year vacation to do nothing but sleep. Seriously. I do one little errand or task and feel so exhausted. I used to be able to do a lot of things in one day. Now I can barely handle one. Is it the active grief that's doing this? The flashbacks I have, the yearning for the person lost, the sadness, the hours per day ruminating on how life feels so empty now...that's part of my life 24/7, no break. Even when I sleep I have bad dreams about the loss. Is this what's draining me? It could be the depression. I wake up and can barely drag myself out of bed. I brush my teeth, shower, and I'm already exhausted.

    So what's the solution? Suck it up and force myself to do a lot of things, even though I'm tired, because perhaps putting myself into action will make me less tired? For example, don't they say exercise GIVES you energy, so you should work out even if you're tired? So shouldn't this apply to other activities, too?

    What I want is to hide under the covers and just sleep and check out of life.

  7. Chai,

    Your post was so similar to my feelings that I thought I'd posted this myself and just forgot I had! I'm having an identity crisis myself, and it's such a weird and uncomfortable feeling. I'm such a people-pleaser myself now. I guess that comes from being so insecure and afraid of life. I feel like a walking cliche. I don't know who I am anymore. But it's so true. This crisis makes even the most simple tasks difficult because I just don't know how to handle anything anymore. If you don't know who you are, you don't know how you should act to Incident X, Y or Z.

    I don't feel like talking about meaningful things to people because, like niamh said, there's that fear of rejection or disappointment. But sometimes I do want to, too. Confusing, huh? But I only want to if I can get a guaranteed positive and nurturing response, which of course cannot be predicted, especially when you speak to those who haven't had a loss. Then the non-speaking kills me slowly inside. Catch-22, I guess. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

    We're all here for you. (((hugs)))

  8. Yeah, I understand you on the breaking point part. There are times when it seems that everything piles up, whereas other people remain unscathed. But I know that's just a perceptual thing.

    Don't have any useful advice. I just try to distract myself as much as possible to give my brain a break. I try to envision my head as a blank sheet. Or fake for as long as possible that I have no problems at all. Doesn't always work, unfortunately, so I go on this board.

  9. Ni, You're always encouraging :). Yeah, it's the one-sided part that is so frustrating. It makes me so tired. I think of it this way: imagine if your alive relative/friend/husband/wife never responds to you. You're always the one having to initiate chats. It'd be really annoying, right? Same thing when the person's dead. Only more annoying probably because you can't even see the person, so you've got nothing.

    mfh, I'm so glad that works for you. I got that advice many times here, but for some reason it never really works for me. I try writing, but I always give up after a couple entries because I don't really feel like he's listening. But I suppose it's my fault for being so defeatist. Maybe I just have to keep trying until it sticks.

    That must be so hard, pinkpony, especially when you have good news about your kids. Every dad wants to hear that, I think. I should probably try that answer-back method.

    loulou, I'm skeptical, but sometimes I get really desperate for a response that I think about mediums, even though I'm aware of their tricks. Grief makes you do things you'd never thought you'd do. Let us know how it goes. I hope you find a good one and it makes you feel a tiny bit better in the very least. I hate that we have to pay money. I'd love to find someone who's truly gifted and does it for free, but that's probably fantasy. :P

  10. Sometimes do you ever feel like you just need one chat with your lost loved one just once to get some advice or direction? I'm at a point where I feel so lost and aimless that just one talk would really do me a world of good.

    Feel very unmotivated, tired, and unable to enjoy even little pleasures now. Some months I'm more okay and can enjoy the little pleasures in life, and I can get excited about little things like weekend trips or small shopping purchases. These past couple weeks, nope. Waking up is hard. I don't like to face the day. :closedeyes:

  11. hello123,

    Whoa, what she said is dead on! When people say, "He's always with you," I roll my eyes. I don't want him with me in that sense. I want to be able to see and talk to him.

    Gwyneth said in another interview that sometimes when she's cooking she feels her father behind her, instructing her, telling her to be careful with the knife, etc. I wonder if that's a recent thing because she said before she couldn't feel him?

  12. Thanks, Chai. That's very reassuring. I'm so glad you're on this board. I often find myself nodding at all of your posts.

    I'm so confused with ya. I'm supposed to be doing things at this point in my life, and it's supposed to be exciting, a time of learning and exploring, but it's not like that at all for me. I feel like this enormous rock has been placed in front of me, and I'm supposed to push it up a mountain. I'm currently trying to get excited about little things. Baby steps, you know. Not sure if it's working.


  13. Hi Chai,

    I've been doing the same, trying to figure out 2011 and my life. I still feel quite the failure because my dad has been gone a while now, and as I'm sure everyone here knows, people expect you to be better at this point.

    Unfortunately, I'm not that strong. I wish I could be one of those people who flourish in grief, but newp - not happening! Here it is, 2011, and I feel utterly lost. I know what I SHOULD do, all those things that lead to success, but I can't shake the psychological part. Can't shake the sadness, the grief, the feeling that life is empty.

    I've no doubt that despite the fact that your time was divided, as it had to have been (being young and on your way to great things), your love for your dad really wasn't. I, too, go through such guilt trips. Not sure if I can ever shake them, but it's a little comforting to know that my dad knew I loved him very much.


  14. Sometimes I get scared that everyone will be healed from grief, and I'll be the only one still grieving with no one to relate to my feelings. True, I don't cry as much as I used to, and 99.9% of the time I look normal on the outside, and I can laugh and do normal fun things. But I still have this hollowed out feeling inside, and I'm scared that I'm one of those...a stuck-in-grief person still sad inside, still missing my loved one, while everyone else is progressing fabulously and able to "move on" like nothing happened. I know this is kind of illogical, but I do tend to judge my own grief relative to others, scared I'm not progressing enough (like a child not being able to walk by X months). What if I'm still grieving 2,3,4 years from now?

  15. I really wish every griever could be given a safe place to be open with his or her feelings without judgment. I find I'm an angrier person now. Before all this I wasn't an angry person at all. I hardly ever got angry. Now I get angry with far less provocation. I don't mean I flip off everyone in traffic, but I get angry at least once a month (it's a lot when it comes to me!).

  16. Hi Loulou,

    I'm so sorry that you're in the same boat. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have these feelings along with a new baby.

    :( It's so wrong of your mom to say that. Just because he used to yell at you as a kid doesn't mean you can't miss him a lot now. Well, I hope you know that it's your right to love your dad in spite of your mom's feelings about him.

    I hope you find peace, and congratulations on your new baby. ((HUGS)) I wish I could wave a wand and make this go away for everyone.


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