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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by Maryo

  1. Hi Linda,

    I am glad that you have good support from your friends and family. Most people have never experienced the kind of loss that we have so they don't understand.But sad to say one day they might and then they will understand and only then will they know the true meaning of our grief.

    I am so thankful to Marty for allowing me to find people who are so caring and understand on this site.

    Take care.

    Mary Lou

  2. Hi Lucia,

    Later on in my evening I stopped for a moment and realized that I did not spend the whole day thinking about my husband. I also have not cried today. Tomorrow might be different but it felt good for today. It does not mean we forget but to me it shows I am healing, so yes a time will come when you don't spend the whole day crying.It took my daughter a while to mention her Dad because she was grieving also and she needed time.

    Cutting down to 2 cigarettes is a great accomplishment and you should be proud.

    Take care.

    Mary Lou

  3. Hi Rochel,

    I am sorry about the loss of your husband Bob.

    I tried not to make any major changes the first year because my mind and emotions changed almost every minute.But you must decide what is best for you and your family.

    It has been a little over a year since my husband died.

    This journey is hard and some days you will cry like a baby and freak out. But it is all part of the healing process.

    Take care.

    Mary Lou

  4. Hi Susie.

    Try not to think to far ahead. Everyones grieving is different. I have been at this for a little over a year and I am so glad that the first year is over because it was hard but you will come out a stronger person. I still cry but for shorter periods of time. I miss my husband terribly and I tell him every night that I love him. This long week-end is Thanksgiving so I am going to spend it with the ones I love. My daughter, my dog and my three cats.

    Take care.

    Mary Lou

  5. Hi Kay,

    I want to wish You and Jim the very best. I have read many of your posting and you have helped me get through some of the difficult days.I know that only after a year and a bit life will get better and maybe one day I might meet someone as dear as my husband and if not I will learn to be happy with my life and what the future has in store for me.

    Take care.

    Mary Lou

  6. Hi Susie,

    I am pretty new to this site, but I wanted to say hello after reading your posting. I am sorry about the loss of your husband. There are many nice people on this site who are very understanding. Their words are a great comfort to me

    when I am having a bad day. Some days will be better than others with alot of crying which is very normal.

    I lost my husband a year ago last july.

    No one can tell you when to return to work it is your decision because everyone grieves differently.

    You will feel better one day but it does take time.

    Take care.

    Mary Lou

  7. Hi DeeGee,

    I think it is very important that you have what you originally requested on your husbands grave marker. When they foregot to include a flower holder on my husband marker I was very upset and offered to pay if need be. It was not my mistake so it was replaced at no extra cost. This is a loving tribute to your husband that comes from the heart.

    And yes I would want a comformation so it will ease your mind.

    Take care.

    Mary Lou

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