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Posts posted by R.Everit55

  1. Thanks everyone 

    i am am headed home on Monday.  I do miss my son DIL and grandsons and I must go back and face reality again.  My son informed me today that the dr gave them the go ahead to start trying to conceive again.  I don't know that they will.  It's still so very very fresh... The loss of their baby girls.   So I don't honestly think or even would want a new grand baby now.  But obviously that their choice.  Not that I wouldn't want one, but it's scary after losing Lila and Lily.  And we've all got so much grief including for Mary.  Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe.  


  2. I read my original post again tonight and it's such a struggle to keep my promises to my beautiful bride.  But I'm determined to do my best.  She was my everything and she gave me everything plain and simple.  I only wish she could reach my soul and take some of this pain off my heart.  She is always my princess. And I will go on living to repay the sweetest debt to her for being my one and only love soul mate best friend my life my happiness my heart my bride my princess... 

  3. My heart thanks you all ❤️

    Im stuck.  When Mary passed eight months and five days ago tonight, it brought up certainly the baby girls we had still born.  We never really dealt with that.  That pain was just always there... 

    And when my son lost their girls last month... :( 

    I feel so selfish and inadequate because I knew Mary was pained at our loss.  And I know our boy his wife and their boys are pained at the loss of their Lila and Lily.  And here I sit hiding away miles away states away... I feel like a coward.  

    What I really want is to never go back and I just don't feel like I'm living... I feel like I'm existing running on fumes or nothing at all.  I promised my bride January 9 as she slipped away that I would be strong that I would take care or our boy and our sweet grandsons and that I would not give up or let her down.  

    Grief is rather all encompassing and just continues to try to suck you u dear like quicksand.  And I personally, like most here, just are helpless to stop it.  ?

    rambling...... So sorry...


  4. I'm in FLORIDA for a while.  Maybe running away.  I'm fighting a losing battle with grief upon grief, unfairness, depression anxiety. Etc...   I just want to sit on the beach when the sun dawns and sets.  That was our Happy Place.  Tomorrow will be nine months since she left me.  And also one month since Lila passed at six days old.  My heart is broken.  Lily lasted longer seventeen days.  But there's pure injustice and I need to fix it for my boy and my DIL yet I simply cannot in the state of mind and heart I'm in.  :(

    Tomorrow is nine months for my bride and Thursday is two years for the best SIL ever, Shannon.  :( So the beach is needed.  


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