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Everything posted by Paula68

  1. kayc, I do believe that door is well and truly shut. I won't be initiating contact and time will tell if he will. As he no longer needs us, I highly doubt he will. If he does I will explain why I'm so hurt. It's the loneliness that is so hard. Thank you again for taking the time to help, you are lovely x
  2. kayc, thank you so much for your response. I wrote my message thinking no one would read it let alone respond, however it helped somehow. I felt as though a load had been lifted off my chest. Your advice makes perfect sense! You are correct, I would never treat someone that way and perhaps the relationship with my uncle was one sided. I thought I could count on him but clearly I can't. I will try to separate this loss from the loss I experienced with my father's passing. I need to be strong and stand up on my own two feet! It is also a good idea for me to seek some counselling. It is interesting yet sad to see that I am not alone. Thank you again KC, you have helped me process my feelings and see things more clearly. ❤
  3. I hope it is ok for me to post this on your thread and I'm sorry it's so long winded. My heart is broken...my father passed away after a long battle with cancer six years ago. Thereafter I lost my partner and my best friend that I grew up with. I supported her when her father passed away but she did not even visit me when my dad passed, and soon after lost contact with me altogether. My father's brother, whom I loved dearly has also disappointed me deeply.. My parents supported him financially over the years. They also took him into our home multiple times when he needed a roof over his head. My mum cooked for him even washed his clothes. Now he has found a new partner and is settled so he no longer needs us. As for his new partner I find her to be quite disingenuous and manipulative. This past weekend my aunty and uncle on my dad's side, came to visit from interstate. We were very close! My mother caught up with them and invited them over for lunch/dinner, and made a date that suited them. My mum prepared a banquet and contacted them on the day to confirm a time. My aunty told her she forgot and had made plans to visit her long lost neighbours that they ran into, so mum asked them to come over afterwards. She was then told that my uncle had organized dinner that evening for my relatives that were visiting. He invited his partner's children and failed to invite my family. When my mother said that she had prepared all this food, my aunty yelled that she did not come on a holiday to have an argument! She asked mum if she could visit the following day but my mother was so upset that she refused as she had a doctor's appointment. My mother, sister and I are so hurt. I am heartbroken that my relatives prioritised a neighbour over us and that we were not invited to my own relatives get together. I loved my uncle like he was my own father and now I feel like I've lost my dad all over again! I can't believe I will never see my relatives again and they probably think they've done nothing wrong. An elderly widow who went above and beyond for them. I feel so sad.
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