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Posts posted by janieb0828

  1. Derek,

    I am not at the one year mark yet. It will be eight months the 21st of this month. Things are getting better, and I fear the same as you. Must be something we all will fear, the feeling of sadness and loss. We have lost the one we thought we would be with forever. Well there forever was true, ours is still not over, its a long journey we have ahead of us.

    Just remember they still are with us, just not physically, but in our heart and our memories.

  2. KayC

    I know people do not understand. It doesn't matter how long it has been, you are still having a lot of pain and suffering. You may be having a more harder time since its the Holidays and you just started your new job. Its a lot of extra stress, that you don't normally have.

    I know, after I went back to work two months after the motorcycle accident everyone expected me to be ok, well I wasn't and going back to work only stressed me out to the point that I went back off of work six weeks later and I have been off every since.

    I go back to work part-time starting Monday, I expect myself to be having the same feelings as you, with the money stress, and Christmas coming up I just dont know how I am going to be.

    Try to hold on, and being mad at him is a part of the grieving process, so don't think that you are having this feeling and be guilty about them. I have been so mad at Mike for the last couple of weeks. I went outside the other night and used our Bike Helmets as punching bags. Because it was the first time we road on the Highway without them in a long time, and it just ticked me off. You should find some way of letting out your anger, but don't do what I did, because I cracked the side of my hand. Walk or excersize is what my Psychologist told me to do. Walk and talk to yourself, even if you are standing in your house and walking in place, say how you feel as you walk, believe me it really helps.

  3. Laurie,

    You have done nothing different then most people. Mike and I fought a lot. We also said terrible things to one another. You can't blame yourself, I have to agree Derek, we are here for a reason, I know for a fact, I should have been dead five times over, I was hit by a semi, in my drivers door and the seatbelt magically broke saving my life. I went off the back of the bike at 35 miles an hour, and I have tried overdosing taking a bottle of lorazapam and a fifth of tequila once, and the other two times, I took a full bottle of sleeping pills. Its not our time. We are here for a reason. God wants us here, and he will help us get through. No matter how our life is going, some how we have to look to him and find the strength.

    "Boy that is words, I never thought would come out of my mouth, but somehow it just did".

  4. Everyone,

    We are all suffering from the same thing in our lives, we are lucky we have this wonderful website to let us talk to each other.

    I think no matter what, we all wanted something to happen differently in the loss of our loved ones.

    It took them a long time to get me away from Mike as he laid on the ramp, I didn't want to go, I didn't want to let go, I knew the next time I would see him he would be laying in a funeral home.

    Right after the accident happened and the ambulance arrived, I thought he was still alive, when they started cutting off his leather jacket, I told them "Mike is going to be so mad at you guys for cutting his brand new jacket" and they all looked at me so strange, the look on ther face made me realized he was gone. I dragged myself over to him, and they started shocking his heart all I could do is scream and cry, after a couple times of them doing that, I finally said "if he is gone let him go". I just sat and held his hand and cried, they finally made me go to the hospital. Dam I didn't want to leave him yet. I was not ready to leave him yet.

    Sorry everyone, I just started and it came out, that is the first time I have told anyone that. Thanks for listening to me.

  5. Mary,

    I can completely relate to what you are saying. It is not easy at all to go on without the one you love. No matter if its a few months or many years love is love. Losing the one you love is the hardest thing in the world.

    You must go on. He would want you too. Mike wants me to go on, believe me I know, I attempted suicide four different times, I took enough sleeping pills at one time I should not be here. I took 83 pills. I slept for days, but I am still here.

    I am sorry you didn't get the closer that you needed by not being able to go to the funeral. That would be hard to handle. I did get to go to Mikes, I was in a wheelchair, but I got to attend. I needed that closer. You should definetly go to his grave, and tell him what you wanted to say to him. It helps. I have done it with Mike.

    Its a tough thing that we are all going through!! I do suggest seeking counseling, it has helped me. If you go see one and you don't like them try another one, I went threw three before I found one that I could actually relate to, and anti-depressents, from going threw a tragic accident like that, you are proably suffering from Post Tramatic Stress Syndrome. That is what they diagnosed me as. So it would be good to talk to someone. You can email me directly and we can talk, and the group here is great. They are wonderful people to talk to.

  6. Well yesterday, I found out that my mom is not going to be with us much longer. I don't know if I can handle losing my mom after just losing Mike, I don't think I can handle another loss. I lost two of my really good friends also in the last six months. I THINK GOD HATES ME. I can't handle it First Mike, then Marcey, and then April. Now my moms dying. WHAT THE HECK DID I DO SO WRONG, THAT GOD HAS TO TAKE EVERYONE AWAY FROM ME. They say that god does not make you go through anymore then you can handle. I don't believe that anymore, because I can't handle it anymore.

  7. Laurie,

    You said that everyone said your young and you will find someone else. My mother just told me that last night. I just looked at her like she was nuts. Right now, finding someone is the furthest thing from my mind. I have to get to the point where I don't cry everyday for I can even go one step further. I am not wanting or desiring to meet anyone.

    I am glad you are getting some meds. They sure help, I got lucky, my insurance where I work, covers all of mine except for one, I spend, 35.00 for four different meds.

    Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!!

  8. Flossie,

    It is a pretty hard time right now, My birthday was also three months after Mike passed away, I wish I had found a birthday card from him, that would have made me feel so good. My parents came by and I have my boys here for my birthday. It was pretty hard.

    As for not understanding how to do the bills. Don't feel like your an idiot you should ask someone for help, if you have children old of age on there own, they can help you out. It seems like your husband was trying to take good care of you.


  9. I tried coming on to the website yesterday, but I was having a hard time getting out of bed. I just sat and cried all day long. God how I miss him so much. I just can't understand why god had to take him away :( , we struggled so hard to get where we are, we just bought a four bedroom home Aug. 05, we were both making great money. We started from the bottom with no help and worked our way through school together raising our kids at the same time. I am sorry but I am really mad :angry: today.

  10. Laurie,

    I understand what you are saying. They have me on four different kinds of anti-depressents, I am on Elavil, Ativan, paxil, and Effexor. I see a psychologist once a week. She too told me to sit down and write a letter to Mike, I did, I took me two hours to get threw two pages, just make sure once you start that letter you have lots of klenexes cause believe me it really dragged the feelings out of me.

    Good luck with the letter.


    In Memory of Michael Wayne Wilson

    05-25-69 to 05-21-06

  11. Laurie,

    You are doing nothing wrong, you are going through another one of "stages" of grieving. It's great that you came on here and let your feelings out, I have learned it helps me. I am on here everyday. Sometimes I don't write, just to come on here and see what everyone is saying helps me, I know that I am not alone. I have definitely vented my anger here.

    Stay Strong and know that we are all here for you! :D

  12. That is the most beautiful poem, it is so true, only God above can hear our cring out, but if you really think about it, somewhere in that heavinly world I believe our loved one is there listening also. HOPEFULLY, I have cried to him so much!!!!!!!!!

    God rests their souls, we will be with them sooner or later!!!

  13. I hope things get better for you Hon!! We are on a rollercoaster, I agree, I want off of it too. I want my Michael back and I want to be happy again. My boys need me, I am trying my best.

    I have to say keep on this website everyday, it has really been helping me the last week and a half since I started. Just letting your feelings out and not having to hear someone say, you are strong you will make it through, sure we are and sure we will, but that is not what we want to hear. We want to hear I want him back too, I miss him so much also, someone to sit down and cry along with us.

    Take care, we are on a rollercoaster, and soon it will stop so we can get off. When I don't know, the sooner the better.

  14. I think the only thing that keeps me alive is in knowing if I did something to myself there are no guarantees that I would get to be with him. If I knew for sure I would see him, I would be gone. I know its selfish but its mine and Larry's life that came to an end. Everyone else's life has gone on, not missed a beat. I actually don't know how I've held up this long. I'm tired of being strong.

    Don't give up, I have tried a couple of times to be with Mike, not knowing if I would end up with him or not, Nov 21st it will be six months since my Michael went away. I miss him so much.

    Please hold strong, try to seek counseling if you can. You can email me and we can chat back and forth if need be, but please don't give up.

    Love Ya!!

  15. If only I had known. Thanks Love, Laurie

    That is the bad thing we all have to deal with, we don't know, it is usually unexpected. I think the Lord thinks it is better for us not to know when the one we love is about to meet him. I am not a religious person, right now I am mad at god for taking away Mike. But I think it is better that I didn't have a feeling before, because I think I would have reacted towards him differently on his last day. But for us the last memory before the wreck was a great one. We were out with friends making our plans to open a bar. If I would have known, I most likely would not had a good time that night. God you know what talking to you about this made me just realize, I need to stop thinking about the wreck that night and think about the great night we were having.

    Thanks Laurie you just opened my eyes.

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