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Posts posted by STARKISS

  1. Oh My, I have to take yet another day off, my doctor's office called and wants me in for another appointment... I just did my physical for the year and had so many blood tests done and now the doctor wants to go over the results with me... I am a little nervous because it is the first time she has ever wanted to see me after my physical... I hope there is nothing wrong or atleast nothing serious... Shelley

  2. Hi All, Another thing has come to mind, my dad caused alot of my problems today and it is because of him that I am so ill... I am so stressed out that I am not eating properly or sleeping well either and that is why my body is getting so sick because it is not strong enough to fight the viruses that are attacking it right now... Shelley

    Dad I hate you for all the problems you are causing me right now and for making my work think that I am a complete sicky and that I do not want to work... Shelley

  3. Hi All,

    I am having so much problems right now and people just do not understand what I am going through... I get sick and people at work are so harsh, they say they understand but when something comes up it is all my fault... I did not ask for any of this to happen to me and I am not to blame but people at work keep blaming me for getting sick and taking time off work... When they have to tell someone to stay home because of not enough work I am always the one that they tell not to come in...


  4. Hi Carol Ann,

    Thanks for the idea with the yogurt, I will try it.. I am ready for this session and I know that my mom will be there with me because I know she is in my heart.. I am looking for something of hers to take with me and I found it.. It is a little heart pin that I gave her on her last Mother's day.. I got it back after she died... Shelley

  5. Hi ColleenRe,

    I just wanted to say that I am sorry for your loss and that feeling guilty is normal as this point of your grief journey,,, I too had alot of guilt when I lost my mom... i felt guilty because I let her have some treats that she should not always have and I felt guilt that I worked more and spent less time with her... I lost her April 2005, and shortly after that my dad got ill and died he passed away July 2005.. I felt so guilty not spending time with him and taking his sickness as serious... Shelley

  6. Hi Carol Ann,

    Right now I am sick in bed but hopefully this evening I can attend my Beaver Meeting and Tuesday is my Brownie Meeting and Wednesday is my Guide meeting... On Thursday I am hoping to go to the movies and Friday my therapist and I are having a phone call session to see how I am doing and to go over things about the family session on Saturday... On Saturday I am also going to try and do something fun after the meeting is over and done with.. Shelley

  7. Well Everyone that rough week is over and on to the next, This week is going to be rough for a whole other reason... I am really sick to add to all the rough times ahead... I have earaches, headaches, and a very nasty cold to add to it... Just not what I need at this moment with everything happening... Shelley

  8. Hi All,

    I have made it through the practice session and are home safe, my therapist and I discussed everything fully and she took me in the room where the session will happen and we sat in the seats that were there and I practiced my speech I am going to say.. I had a large picture of the family and so we placed it where I would see it... It was so hard but I did the speech for the most part and only started to cry a little bit... My therapist just told me to close my eyes and take a long deep breath and than continue when I felt okay... I managed to finish my speech and we went over any possible reactions the family might come out with.. After that we went back to her office and did some prayer therapy and we did the open chair exercise where I got upset more with my dad.. It was a good session now just to make it through next week.. shelley

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