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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Miss you Tiger

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Hey Tiger...I miss you...hows things? I wonder if you miss me?I wonder what your upto right in this moment.

I love you Tiger..I will be waiting a little longer and plant some spring flowers by your grave...

Snuggles is snuggled upto me..literally tiger I took him to the vets to get his nails trimmed recently..it took me 3 appointments to get him to the vets..he was very nervous to go..They showed me how to trim his nails so i can do it myself...lets see how that goes! Sometimes I lay here and wish you were together here with me. I know your in a better place. I always pray we will be together in another life. There is not a day that goes by where I dont think about you.....I love you Tiger...I miss you deeply my best friend...im sure snuggles does too..xxxx

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