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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

My Husband Died 5 Weeks Ago Today

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I have been reading this board for a few weeks, just had not gotten up the courage to register until now. Part of me doesn't want to face this, the other part knows I have to.

My name is Leah and I am 46 years old. On May 25th Jerry and a friend went for a Motorcycle ride, a few hours later I got the phone call, there has been an accident. When I got to the hospital they told me that Jerry didn't make it.

Jerry was 47. We had been married 17 years. I feel at a complete loss, he was my other half....

I have two kids from a previous marriage who Jerry raised as his own. He was never able to have children, so mine became his and our 4 grandchildren were the light in his life.

Most days I walk that thin line between feeling as though this is just a dream and I will wake up and he will be here and feeling as if I am in a nightmare and praying someone wakes me up. Does that make sense? I went back too work and am "functioning" I am trying to figure out how to pay bills etc on one income instead of two. Trying to make it through each lonely night.....just trying to remember to breathe.

I bought the book I wasn't ready to say goodbye and found this board, which I am so thankful is here.

Hugs to all.


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Guest moparlicious


I am so sorry for your loss, I am thankful for you and that you found this site. You will find the people on here are true and loving people!!!! They care, they love, they support. I am 10 months into this horrible journey, I lost my beloved Dan to cancer,he was 41 years old and I was 40. We have 3 children together. I know your pain and emptiness, I am here for you as many others. I walk beside you in this incredible hard journey one step at a time, one minute or day at a time, you have many people who care. I am praying for you.Love, Kim :wub:

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