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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

My Mom's Passing

Sandy B

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My mom died on Sept 16 in my home . We buried her on Sept 24 in Buffalo , N.Y. where my brother lives . My dad had died in 07 & was cremated . His ashes were buried with her . So it was a final closing for me . I was blessed to have mom for a few extra months . Now I find it hard to put things back in " order " & to go through her things . I feel as though I'm violating her in some way .

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Hi Sandy,

I'm sorry for the loss of your Mom. Don't be hard on yourself. Unless there is a pressing reason, you have time to get to a point that you are ready to go through your Mom's belongings. When my Mom passed away, my Dad seemed to really be a hurry to go through her things and divide them between my sisters and I. It was hard to take anything because for us, it was way to soon. I guess for him it was closure. If possible, I would suggest that you give yourself some time to process your loss and grieve. Here you will find many people who care and will listen.

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Thank you all for the words of encouragement . I have been just doing small things in the room & when I feel like it . So far that seems to be working . I know I did the best I could for her but sometimes I feel I could have done more . Her birthday is tomorrow , she would have been 91 . That is a good age .

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Hi Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. What a blessing she lived until 90. I agree with the others to not be hard on yourself or think you have to rush anything. I haven't touched anything of my Mom's yet and probably won't for a long time. Everyone has to go at their own speed I guess.


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