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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

So Lonely And Confused

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hi my name is leslie i lost my father on oct 1st it was very sudden he passed away right in my mothers living room with my husband giving him cpr. it was very unexpected and i am crushed he was my best friend and the most wonderful man you could ever meet.

i am lost and have pretty much just pretended that it did not happen .

i dont know how to go on without him.

i had been looking for a suppoort group when i ran across this one i hope to find some help to deal with this .i would love any feed back and feel free to e-mail me. thank you


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  • 4 weeks later...

Leslie, I am sorry for your loss. My step father passed away right after Thanksgiving dinner 2002, right after the guests left, as we were pulling into the drive way, the ambulance was taking him out. My mom tried CPR, but his massive heart attack was too overwhelming to be overcome. I share your sorrow. There is always a place in your heart where your father is with you.

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Dear Leslie, I'm so sorry for your loss. My Dad died on January 17th and I miss him more than I can say. You and I are so blessed, Leslie, to have had such close and loving relationships with our Dads. So many people are conflicted in sorrow -- I've been describing my heartbreak as pure -- I just miss him and that pain is consuming. Your Dad loved you, Leslie, and he continues to love you. Be well...

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