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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Loss That Keeps On Going....

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I'm not sure if this is always the way but I feel like since I lost my brother I have also lost my parents and even my other brother.

My Mom is having such a terrible time dealing with the loss of her son. My brother had moved in with my Mom more than 10 years ago when he got custody of his son. My Mom really took on kind of a co-parenting role with my brother and he and his son became the focus of her life.

With the loss of my brother his son has moved in with his Mom. My Mom is now alone in the house and pretty much lost.

Anyway....I feel like I have lost my brother and that my mom will obviously never be the same again. It makes th loss that much harder....

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Im so sorry you have to deal with all that on top of losing your brother. I've actually never met someone thats going through the same thing as I. I lost my sister last year suddenly. Ever since than things have gotten horrible between my mother and my other sister and I. My mother and I have drifted quite a bit and fight all the time. She too has the worst time trying to deal with her daughter dying. I wish I knew how to fix relationships after the death of a very close loved one so I could help you. I cant imagine losing a child and for our mothers it must be worse than death. I am truly sorry for all the sadness you and your family has to go through.

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