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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Going Too Fast

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I lost my mother in October, it was very hard because someone hit the car she was in, and it killed her, the guy ran off, and they never found him. It really hurts because she wasn’t even the driver, she didn’t know how to drive because she was scared. It hurts so much to think of her. Everything is going by so fast for me, a month later it was her birthday, then Christmas, then my birthday. Its very hard for me knowing I can never celebrate with her. My dad has a girlfriend now, he’s been trying to keep it a secret but I know, he has kind of told me, but I wont listen. How could I? My mother hasn’t even been gone a year. I don’t know what to do. No one can ever replace her, but it feels like my dad is trying to. He doesn’t care about my feelings at all. I really don’t know what to do with myself.

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Hi Rachel,

I'm so very sorry about your mom, and you have my deepest sympathy. To lose your mother in such a sudden, horrible and tragic way must have been devastating for you, and I can only imagine the depth of your pain.

Your post calls to mind a similar situation that was described by another visitor to this forum about a year ago, only in her case it was her mother who was, from her perspective, "moving on too soon." I don't know if it will help, but I thought you might want to take a look at this woman's post, as well as my response to her:

My Mom Is Moving On Too Fast

Please be sure to read Julie Donner Andersen's article too: How Long Is Long Enough? A link to it appears (as an attached file) at the end of my message to SShort.

Wishing you peace and healing,

Marty T

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