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My heart is so broken </3


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My story begins in early December. I recently moved to Florida from PA with my boyfriend and our two dogs, Isabel and Levi. We were heading home for PA for Christmas and wanted to get Isabel groomed at her favorite groomers in PA. She needed to be updated on shots so I took her to the Vet to do so. We have a wellness plan for our dogs at Banfield and one of the components with the plan is blood tests. They asked if I was interested and I said of course (I did not think anything was wrong with her, she acted like a puppy). They found her BUN to be elevated and gave me antibiotics to give her and asked that I come back in a month. A month later, I was not expecting bad news, her BUN, Phosphorus and Creatinine were really high. They did a urinalysis and discovered she had Kidney failure. I took her to another vet to get another opinion and the vet told me she did indeed have Kidney failure and 6months-1 year to live. I was devastated. She had NOOOO symptoms what so ever. I was asked to come back a month later. I did all the research in the world, got her all these supplements and home cooked all of her meals. She seemed happier than ever and my boyfriend and I thought maybe they made a mistake. Early Feb. we had to take her back to get her blood re-evulated once again and her numbers were even worse! The vet encouraged us to only give her prescription food, IV fluids everyday and this special powder to lower her Phosphorus. Isabel hated the food and was losing weight, she was interested in eating everything but that food. We had to bring her back two weeks later. On Feb. 28, I took her back...she seemed a little lethargic that day but they discovered her numbers went down. I was happy but the way she acted that day gave me a bad feeling. Around 10P.M that night she started puking ferociously and pooping blood. I instantly called the emergency vet and they told me to bring her in. As soon as I walked in she puked clots of blood all over my shoe and floor at the vet. I was crushed. She was to stay in ICU for the night. I called first thing in the morning to see how she was doing, they said she was waggy and seemed to be doing better. I went and saw her three times that day. They encouraged me to let her stay again and I said of course. On Tuesday, morning I got a call from the Vet saying she had a seizure and was not doing too well. I rushed over there and Isabel walked from the exam table to my lap. She seemed lifeless and unaware, but was able to detect me due to my scent. They said her blood palates were very low and she needed a blood transfusion. They said they were worried about her but I immediatley agreed and was willing to do anything to save my babies life. They called me two hours later explaining they had to make her blood because her white blood cells and red blood cells were normal and she only needed the palates. Two more hours I get a phone call saying that they were very sorry, Isabel had passed away on her own. Isabel passed away from an autoimmune disease that was not even detectable until the day of her passing. My heart has been shattered and I feel so incomplete.

Isabel was a 5 year old shih-tzu who was super playful, loving. loyal and my best friend. She was taken from me WAY too soon, she way too young. She showed no symptoms of being sick or ill until the day I took her. I love her with every piece of my heart and I can't believe I have to live life without her. I feel so sick and alone without her. Please, check your fur babies as often as possible....my heart hurts and I am so lost without her. I don't know how I will ever be okay and how I can fill this hole in my heart. Anything helps. </3 My heart is so broken and this pain is indescribable. I love her with every part of my heart and will forever miss her.



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I am so sorry, she's adorable and I can understand your missing her so badly.

I just made 130 mile round trip to the vet today...my dog has been having digestive problems for 3 1/2 weeks, I thought he had Giardia, but the vet thinks it's Colitis.  He's had it in the past but never this long.  He said he'll have to be on special food the rest of his life.  Instead of buying their expensive food, I'm going to cook for him myself.  At 140 lbs that's going to be a lot of cooking, but he's worth it.  I've been researching information all day.  I will do whatever I can to get him well and through this.  I know you'd give anything to be doing that for Isabel.  It's so unfair, you didn't get any notice and I'm sure her dying was the furthest thing from your mind when you left.  My heart goes out to you.

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