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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Posts posted by nats

  1. Well somehow with the help of God and prayer I got a couple

    of items done...one reason I was dreading was I needed more copies of

    the death cert. and had to go get them, not a fun task and no one to help me out

    kinda doing this on the as need to learn basis...I have an atty. handling the major

    items but I need to do something on my days off...I'm doing the house chores, laundry and such

    but I still have other things most people don't think about you having to do

    buy yourself when you are now alone....I am taking small steps as mentioned but those are sometimes major...

    I'm going to a local Hospice Support Group tomorrow evening, I figured I need as much help and support

    as I can use and have plenty to gain by giving it a try...I'm glad I found this forum it's been a nice outlet

    with many helpful people and lots of stories to learn from.....


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  2. Well today I'm a total basket case I've been crying since

    I woke up and can't seem to shake it....I'm so lonely and miss Ruth

    so much, the hurt is like nothing I've ever felt before, I have things

    that need to be done but I can not get going today and if I don't

    get them done I'll have to wait until my next 2 days off next week....

    I'm praying God will send me some strength and drive to get going....

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  3. Angie,

    Thanks, yes the little things do indeed set me off into the crying mode, I never knew

    someone could cry so much, I made it thru today it was rough I tried to do some yard work

    and we always did it together but today she was no where in sight and it tore me apart

    so much I just finished then went inside....I also can not imagine not missing them any less

    later I think we'll just adapt better....I pray for all the greiving individuals here and everywhere

    this is the most I've ever hurt in my whole life, when I lost my Dad it was tough but not this bad

    and this is way differant because we became one when joined by God in our union of marriage....

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  4. Dale&Sue, I am approaching the 30 Day mark since my wife joined he Lord and very new to the process we are all going thru here, I feel many of the feelings you describe already, I have found thru peoples posts here and speaking to others we need to stay in a mode of living what our lost loved ones would want us to do...continue on, while as hard as it is we need to think and remember our loved ones would not want us to give up, in fact my wife and I spoke of that and how I would go on and she told me she expected me to be strong remember our happy good times even as hard as it would be but continue to try and live a normal happy life...but it's so hard I know, you say "No one can take away the pain, I know, I just need to get it out there", I find great comfort in my faith and seeking answers thru reflections and seeking and asking for strength in continuing on each day, I also talk to my wife just like she's here sometimes, I still say good morning sweetheart and we say our prayers at night, like I said I'm new to this also, no expert this just has helped me....from what I see keep comming here and you will get a lot of support and help during this time....try and keep moving on...

  5. Hello Everyone,

    My wife left to be with the Lord 2/14/10 after 9 months of intense and aggressive

    treatments for Lung cancer, I was her primary care giver and made every trip

    with her all the up's and downs and in's and out's, I am a complete and total basket case

    I miss her so much and the emptiness I feel is as if there's a hole in my heart....I'm working

    but each day has a new feeling of that being lost and confused....I found this site and I'm hoping

    a few of you can give me some starting points on how to deal with this....I pray and pray and that indeed helps

    but I'm sure by hearing some of your thoughts will help as well.....

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