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Posts posted by Tom19

  1. The fact she's been in touch days after surely counts for something then? Even if it was just to sort stuff out, we'll see each other and hopefully we'll get to talk. Fern's Mum texted me last night so I asked how Fern was, apparently she was very upset yesterday after they picked up her Father's ashes. Her Mum just told me to give her time and she'll come around, how I wish she'll be right!

    I just want tomorrow to hurry up now, I want to see her, I want to hear her voice. Even though I haven't a clue what to say!? Every night I dream of her, dream of us.

  2. To add, a question for you kayc, how long have you and Jim not been in contact for?

    Also, I left her a text earlier "Sorry for earlier. Your pain is far more than mine and I'm trying to understand. No matter how much I hurt, your pain must be 100x worse, I can't even imagine the hurt of losing a parent could bring. I'll always be here for you x"

    Was I wrong in sending that? Will she be mad? The main thing that really does bring me down and make me think is that she seems to be okay with everyone else! But not me.

  3. Well we spoke again today and it wasn't really what I wanted to hear. She texted me this morning saying thank you for the Easter Egg, and I asked her about why she texted me yesterday about Friday. Anyway she replied saying that she wants to meet up so we can sort stuff out and to give me my stuff back basically. So I'm guessing it's pretty much the end, done and dusted, I feel like rubbish and I can't cheer up! I just feel like ringing her now and saying can't we just get this out of the way and do it now! Just waiting is making me hurt more, I want to talk, she's not even explained things to me! I just don't know what to do anymore, it's affecting me so much.

    She's so cold to me, so distant, I feel like the past two years have meant nothing at all to her. I was mad and frustrated and so I said that I wanted to talk and that I was hurting, she just replied "Don't be like this please"

    I want her, before her Dad passed away things were fine and we was in love, now I feel like she doesn't even want to know me! She'll go out with her friends, family etc but not me? Why? What have I done that's so wrong?

  4. Just a quick update, thank you by the way 'kayc' for replying, it's been very helpful to me.

    Today things were tough again, I came home after work at 12 and just went to my bedroom, I cried a little and then went sleep for a few hours. My Mum woke me up and then I went out for dinner with my family, although I came home half way through as I couldn't eat anything and was feeling down. I then picked up a card and wrote a little message in there for my girlfriend. I went round to her house as she was at work and seen her Mum. She asked what was going on so I explained it to her, she just said that she thinks she'll be okay given time. Anyway I left her card and easter eggs that I had brought her with her Mum who said that she would pass them on to her when she got home from work.

    At 7:20 this evening I received a text from girlfriend, she didn't say much just "Hey. You got work Friday? x" I replied with just "Hey. No I haven't. x" She didn't text back afterwards and I still haven't heard anything back at the moment, this being over 2 hours now. I don't know whether this is a good sign or not, I really don't know what to think about it. Should have I said something else? Who was that okay what I replied? Should have I asked what she was asking for? I really haven't got a idea but I'm trying to learn how she's thinking by constantly reading different topics on here everyday! Although due to the time difference between here and where you're it's always just me online! Haha.

    Thank you for reading my post if you do, and any help is greatly appreciated.

  5. I so want to get in touch with her! This hurts so bad. I constantly feel sick and I just want to cry all the time. I've heard nothing from her since she dumped me despite this being nothing to do with me? I'm trying to stay busy but sometimes I end up on my own and time just seems to stand still now. Sleeping is becoming a problem with me waking up all the time, last night I woke up 4 times!

    I walked past her work today, which was hard enough!

    She said we should talk but she hasn't even got in touch and I just want to get in contact with her!

  6. I really don't want to remove things such as photo's right now, I feel like it's too soon and tbh, I just don't feel like I can do it. When we broke up we was together only for around 5 minutes, and we both just said that we would arrange to meet soon and talk about the situation properly and so I'm rather stuck as to what to do at the moment. It's been 2 days since I've heard anything from her and tonight is the first time I'll be without friends with me and so we'll see how I get on!

    I want her to talk, I want her to come back to me but I really don't know what to say or do right now. I've not texted her or anything but I just feel like this whole decision to end it was wrong but I guess I understand why she's done it without fullying understanding if you see where I'm coming from?

    Thank you for replying and pointing me in the direction of further advice, I really want to be with her but it's something that she might change her mind on in time.

  7. Well yesterday my girlfriend ended the relationship. She said that she has changed since her Dad passed away and that she just doesn't feel like it's fair on me that she can't give me enough time as she wants to and she couldn't stay with me when I was the only one trying in the relationship. She said that she still loves me to pieces and that she wants to be friends still if I wanted to and that we should meet up soon and sort things out. I texted her today asking if she wanted to meet up but nothing, no reply, no nothing. I haven't texted since and I'm trying so hard not to try and get in touch again until she comes to me. Everyone seems to think that she'll come back to me in time but I just don't know what to do anymore, my heart aches and I feel sick all the time. She was and still is the best thing in my life, I just want to talk right now but there's nothing I can do to make her and trying to do so will only push her away.

    I'm asking for your help, I need guidance and support from people who have been through this and come out the otherside stronger, anything that will help me understand and feel better would be greatly appreciated.

  8. I've read through the other topics that are similar to my own and in a way it makes me feel better when I'm feeling crappy about things, if that makes sense at all? Like in a way that I know what's happening is normal and that things are far from over but that for now I just have to be patient and hold on? I didn't ever once think it would be this hard, but it is so very hard to get by, which in turn must be 100x worse for my girlfriend right now!

    We caught the bus home together today from work, we spoke a little and she said that she would text me later tonight if she wanted to see me, but she did tell me that they're sorting some of her Dad's things out and so I just replied "Yeah sure, it's fine if you don't have time". Obviously I'd love to see her but I feel I'm doing the right things by not putting pressure on her right now.

  9. Thank you for helping me out with regards to where my article should have been placed, sorry for misplacing it, obviously being new to the site I didn't have a idea of where to start! Also thank you for putting me towards those articles, I shall have a sit and read through them now.

    Just to let you know my girlfriend and I seen each other today, the first time since last Friday. I picked her up from work and afterwards we went back to hers. We sat there and watched tele, not on the same sofa but opposite chairs, but we spoke and she laughed a bit, which is nice to see. Right now I don't want to rush things, despite how much I miss holding her and falling sleep with her close to me. When I left I kissed her and said "love you" she said it back but still it's not the same, it's never going to be same I guess, but right now, it's all about her, which I understand now.

  10. Hi there, my names Thomas, I'm a 19 year old male and I'm from England. I came across this forum via a google search on grief and was reading a few topics about situations in which I thought were of similarity to my own, but thought if possible I would be able to post my own 'problem' and if anyone out there who could help me understand this situation better then I would be thankful.

    2 months ago tomorrow it will have been 2 months since my girlfriend's father passed away. This is a man I've known for the last 2 years has me and my girlfriend have been together for the last 22 months, which seems a long time for a couple aged 19 and 17. I don't know if age has a part to play in this either which is why I thought I'd mention that. I also apologise if I've posted in the wrong section altogether but this is the one I felt most suitable.

    Since my girlfriend's fathers passing things have changed massively within our relationship and I don't really understand what it is going on and what I should be doing to 1) help my girlfriend through this tough period of her life and 2) understand how she will be feeling about us right now.

    Before the 22nd February 2011 things where going fine, we was happy, we would talk everyday and see each other a lot as we only live down the road from each other, now that past statement couldn't be further from the truth.

    Since her Dad's passing she's become distant from me and at times I've felt lonely and like it was the end of our relationship. There's been days where we've gone without speaking and weeks without seeing each other (this was mainly around the time of the funeral which was two weeks after his passing).

    Now things currently stand that we're speaking but not seeing each other. I'm trying to be patient but in ways it annoys me and makes me think whether she really wants me anymore when I hear nothing from her or she doesn't want to see me. Since Friday I've tried to adopt a new approach to things and that I've stopped getting in touch with her and let her get in contact with me, which she has done everyday since Friday but still, we haven't seen each other since Friday and she's shown no intention of wanting to see me despite texting me. Also on Friday, when I leave her she would normally give me a kiss and we would say I love you but this didn't happen and all she said was see you later, which I feel understandably upset me a little.

    At the end of the day I'm looking for guidance and help in what the right thing to do is which will ultimately firstly make my beautiful girlfriend who I love so much feel better and secondly give us the best chance to let her see how much I'm trying to help her and for her to come back to me and be as normal as a person can be after losing someone so close.

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