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dave s

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Posts posted by dave s

  1. Thinking of you and remembering what you are going through 1 month out, for me it was shock and disbelief still, and yes I have gone through many periods of crying then for awhile I can no longer cry.....at 5 months, am I coping better?......yeah I can see it at times. other times not........now I think Im greiving for myself and the many friendships that I thought I could count on during this........alas they are no longer around..

    Today my day has been filled with panic recieved word that my friends that took in my horses, are being evicted today!!! I also had left my truck down there for the last 6 months, as I have had Mikes car to drive , havent had the energy to go and retrieve them!! But have had the energy to paint the house.......what a fog I have been in! The truck initially wouldnt start but all of the sudden came to life and made it home, waiting now for the last delivery of my other horse! I havent wanted to go riding since this happened, guess Mike is forcing me back into it!

    I hope today you can find some peace and take care of yourself...are you still in ca? Hoping that you can find plenty of support today......Thinking of you!! Dave

  2. Becky glad you are well, will be thinking of you today.......moving forward, yes it seems to be a snails pace, a monumental task! For today I just feel odd, lack of a better word, like I dont know what I am doing, but must go out and do something......if that makes any sense....Have been frequently thinking of moving from az lately, would like a fresh start......will wait several months more to make a decision.....have hesitated to plant anything here in my yard with Mikes ashes, but recently found a cheap beautifull Magnolia tree.....am thinking about putting a little of his ashes in the ground around the tree and get it established before I move......think it would be a beautifull tribute to him and our time in our home.... Take care! Dave

  3. Debbie, today is the 5 month anniversary of my loss of Mike, I feel your pain.....keep hoping it will get better, but it hasnt, have learned to control my grief so I can work, survive in society, have laughed some on the way, and on occasion have smiled, but the grief is always waiting for me. I woke up this am feeling pretty good, and then realized after reading a sad story.....one of the phrases was ' Love is like a bright light that warms your soul. It is the heart-pounding, alump int the throat, the cant live without you feeling, emotional intoxication, the heart breaking and a miracle all at the same time. It changes you forever". and again realized that this grief wont stop.

    And yet I feel that this loss has changed me forever, after reading this I couldnt stop crying and went for a drive, it did help to clear my mind and organize my thoughts. I have come to the conclusion that people fall in love many different ways, none is better than the other. But when I met Mike it was love at first sight, at least for me........that had never happened before, and it was funny that I should realize that now....after all this time. We were soo different, and yet seemed to compliment each others flaws, and were inseperable, except for the few times I wanted to expedite his demise!!!! He was no saint...but with stating this he made great efforts to change, which tells me I was so important to him also. And so I am crying again.......

    I understand stand how you are feeling about making decisions, having a hard time here still, really have a hard time taking care of others as a nurse, and have also taken time off......it has helped....but going to work and caring for others.....leaves me emotionally and physically exhausted and provides me with little satisfaction. Really dont think that that will return ........and know it is time for me to really be thinking of returning to school for something else.........hopefully Mike will guide in the right direction on that path.

    Isnt the weather great here now!!!! Had to swing by Lowes again........I think I am addicted to that store and bought somemore plants on sale.......have projects I need to complete inside, but want to enjoy this weather. Take care! DAve

  4. hey there.....not trying to discourage you, please keep going with your dreams of being a nurse!!!! but keep in mind, try to concentrate your efforts of nursing, in the areas of ICU, Hospice, or Radiology.......Nursing has alot of opportunities.....but it is a rough career.........these areas that i have mentioned provide the best of the profession....Good luck!!!! Dave S RN, 20 yrs of experience in dealing with this carreer....

  5. Went to my first funeral since I have imbarked on this journey, the road construction was so bad that a 1 hr trip turned into 1hr 45 min! I gave some thought of turning around and going home, but was committed to Chris to be there. Fortunately it was standing room only and he wasnt aware of my tardiness and it was over within 30 more minutes including a grave side service. At which point Chris saw me and waved me over to meet the family, Chris was obviously upset, and I gave him a hug. I held it together until I saw his dad, the look of desperation, fright,just plan scared to... death was written all over his face, the same look I have had for weeks and months, explained to him that I recently lost my spouse and was placed on the same journey as he...and encouraged him to utilize all services available through hospice for ongoing care for himself and his family....it was almost like a look of relief came over him for a brief second, like he was thinking.......someone understands! I was asked to come to the family dinner,WOW, guess I really did make an impact! I explained that I already had other obligations and to call me whenever needed......

    I then walked out of the cemetery, while crying myself......out of the corner of my eye I saw, a gravestone with the name Michael Collins on it, just strange to me that that happened, although not really, Michael Collins, is a fairly common name........but non the less.......I stood there for a few minutes and cried......then all of the sudden the tears stopped........I was able to smile, guess he was with me....and was able to make it home thinking along the way......I really am not scared of death, I accept death as the natural order of life, in many ways death can be a beautifull thing.............except for what it does to us survivors. I really do get what everyone says about going on to a better place where you hurt no more........but cant help but question what are our loved ones are thinking after they have passed......I cant help but believe that they are also upset....upset about leaving us behind.......

    In route to home I stopped off at my favorite store Lowes to get some paint for the on going painting here.......after I got the paint I went to the garden section and wandered, my old friends there saw me and told me that there suppliers got in trouble by the state for not putting the correct sizes on the containers and everything was on sale, I wandered there for 2 hrs, looking at different plants and what I could do with them, I could have bought every plant they had.......but no space, finally settled on a few.....a flowering Magnolia tree......should be really pretty.......now the next question....do I put some of mikes ashes in with this tree.....even though I really dont think I will stay in Arizona much longer, if I leave the property, how can I expect someone else to care for this tree that will have some of mike in it???

    Something I will need to ponder.......and realize now that my time spent at lowes was not wasted time, it felt good to wander among the plants and think of something else...I guess cheap therapy! I work with helping people everyday........and rarely feel that it is appreciated........today I felt that just my short appearance there was of great help to Chris and dad.......it felt good.....

    Everyone take care!! Dave

  6. Oh Debbie, how I get that feeling of wanting to check out, this pain is worse more than what i can imagine an amputation to be, well I guess it is an amputation of sorts, part of our souls have been cut out, as I believe Harry stated so well " without anesthesia". It will be only 5 months, on Sunday, since I lost Mike....so am not seasoned by anymeans on what to do on this journey, but was has helped me tremendously to come to this site often and talk to others. It helps to share my grief with others and to share in theirs, and to be reminded to take these days at times, 15 minutes at a time, if needed........Thinking of you...Dave

  7. Dad is home!! doing reasonably well!!! What a crazy week!! My day yesterday was eventfull.....with a class at work, commute, I then went by Mikes condo, first time since he moved in with me .......some tears fell, but not as bad as anticipated. For I really felt great peace remembering that our home is where I am at now and his home will be wherever I settle in the future.

    I got home to my Bereavement Counseling session, we discussed the possibility that after yrs of caring for others.....seeing horrible things, caring for Mike, and caring for myself during this dark time, and seeing the real chance that I could lose dad.......I feel that yes I could have some PTSD at present......will as the counselor said, work on some gentle care for myself.....

    I then went and took care of some other family conflict, and left that situation with great peace knowing that I dont need to be around that toxic person for awhile....

    I then went to the Gay Grief Support group in the eve, it was good to meet others and talk, it was good to hear others storys, and see how some are coping after losing their partners and other family members, and suffering from the loss of pets, jobs, and homes during this poor economy, Made me feel lucky that I am in just the situation I am.....and sad to hear others report that after the loss of their partner.....how family members would just move in taking all possesions, with out regard for the survivor......tragic, and yet am hopefull that samesex marraige will soon be legal nationwide, so these stories.....wont continue!

    I even took a nap yessterday.......what a day!! Doing ok here for now, tomorrow will bring another challenge......my first funeral since I lost Mike, my coworker asked that I come to the funeral of his mom......my first thought was no, I cant do that......but that young man needs some guidance.....or better said some support.....so will do what I feel I need to do.....

    Take care! DAve

  8. Hey there, WOW a movie star here!!! Cool! glad you went home for awhile, hope you are able to get some good family support and TLC!

    Yes somedays you just want to lay in bed and not get up, or maybe that is what we need to do sometimes......I get your burning feeling, at soon to be 5 months......I still have that sensation...as you can tell from my posts things have been STRESSFULL, but things are better at present ...

    Glad to hear from you, was thinking about you yesterday and was hoping you are ok! Best wishes! Dave

  9. Dewayne Thanks for the support you gave your co-worker and your groups acceptance in your grief support group, for the gay/lesbian population, it is wonderfull!! I have gone to other grief support groups...unfortunately have felt that I could never say the name Mike in our conversations, he was only called my spouse....So tonight, will feel free to open up, and not feel vulnerable that I will be judged by others, and can celebrate the love I have for Mike! One of the great things I have felt here is complete acceptance!!! For which I am very gratefull !!!

    Although Mike and I were "out" to our family and friends we were carefull to be quiet about our relationship to others, when this happened in our lives, I lost all guard about this and didnt care who knew.....have to say that I have had nothing but respect and support shown to me by neighbors and coworkers!!! When I look back on this I am amazed, many yrs of being conditioned, to stay quiet, went away......although I felt vulnerable "out there", my grief outweighed those concerns......but.....when I went to one of the grief support groups.....I just couldnt take the chance, in my weakened state to deal with any "problems" associated with this though.........on the flip side of this coin I have to say.....I ALSO havent given others, in that grief support group the chance to show me the love and acceptance that I have recieved here! There seems to be a wonderfull change in society now with the acceptance of the gay/lesbian population and I look hopefull to the future for the younger population......

    Thought it was a big deal when my father in his weakened state was telling others , in the hospital what a rough yr it was, to have lost his son-in-law and to be so sick, he has come along way, made me proud!

    Anyway, going to be a long day, I live a hr away from work and alot of things.....figure I will be on the road for 4 hrs today just commuting!!! The price I must pay for living away from the hustle/bustle that I see in the Phoenix "big city" life......I have had, almost 30 different addresses in my life, have lived around the world!!! And yet the Phoenix area is the largest area I have ever lived in!!!! And yet I was able to find a little peace living out here on our acreage, horse country all around me!A place where there is no Home Owner Association telling me that i cant have a pot of flowers on my porch, a place where if the dogs escape, the neighbors take them in until I get home, but for today, I wish I lived in town!!! Oh well, a price to pay for everything.......how well we all know......

    Woke up this am, yelling " Mike I miss you" dont know what I was dreaming of, but surprisingly so wasnt crying......interesting....today it is raining a bit here a big deal for this part of the world, amazing that the roads here can be just as slick as the roads back in mt, with all the snow we use to get, so will be cautious

    Everyone please take care!! Dave

  10. Well a long day but good, 12 hrs at work, 2 hrs driving......Nursing aint an easy racket! Spent some time with dad this eve on the way home....he continues to do well! and is moved out of icu to a step down unit......

    Great!!!! What a week! It has just about done me in, time for some down time, but alas not in the cards.......yet. Tomorrow have a class for 2 hrs, 2 hrs drive time to and fro, and then home to my counselor, I really do think she is cool, and look froward to her advice and reassurance!!! Then off to take care of business, pick up some more paint for the fence, then to see dad again, off to Sharons house for a quick dinner ( Mikes sis) and to Healing rainbows a gay grief support group, the first one that is closer to my home...........then home and back to work fri! Man I need some time off.......again!!!

    Just so you know, I was able to intervene for the young man at work who just lost his mom, and his supervisor who wouldnt give time off, expected him to return to work the day after the funeral, this sat..being me and knowing how to play on people, hope I only use this for good purposes! I didnt want to cause any "drama" for this young man.....he is a good kid, maybe 23-26 didnt ask...I went into the Nurses station and announced, to others around me, his supervisor was there.....explained how much this job meant to me and how everyone here was so great about protecting my back during this very trying time, how people stepped up and allowed me to take as much time off as I have needed.....and announced that his mom had died just recently and I hoped that we would provide the same love and support to him as they had for me......1/2 hr later he was in the kitchen with his supervisor, later he announced that the time off was granted, without issue......the gratitude on his face was incredible!!! Actually made me feel really good, like he was really looking up to me! Interesting feeling to me!!!

    Well.....need to dust the house, have to do all my ritual everyday, control issues....I guess.....By the way hated to hear of the loss of Steve Jobs, made me realize again that I never watch the news anymore......I use to be a "news junkie" especially with MSNBC, not to start a controversial subject...Please! Just cant stand the drama of the world, at least not yet!!!

    Take care!! Dave

  11. Well I am drained emotionally and physically, Dad REMARKABLY is doing well!!!!! Goes in for a Lap. Choley today to take out his Gallbladder, am so very relieved, but now have returned to some dark areas of my life that I have......left behind, or thought so.........But despite my exhaustion, know that after I get some rest i need to do somemore Mike homework, and deal with the emotions, or the emotions will deal with me later on! Came to work today, needing to get n some hrs and only 20 minutes from the hospital, found out that one of my nurses aides, mom just died.....feel bad for him, for they want him to come back to work the day aftr the funeral.....alot to expect from anyone! I dont figure that the higher ups are aware of this, will need to intervene on his behalf......poor kid...

    Anyhow hanging in there.....Dave

  12. What a wide range of emotions today, am drained but so far gratefull that are status has not improved any further as of yet but has not declined either. Last night brought me back to 6 months ago, when I learned of Mikes terminal status, and the horror of what I knew was to come for him, little did I fully understand the horror for me that was to unfold. Last night reminded of all that, then on top of that I was then "Davey", what dad always called me, when I was a little boy...........then I was Dave, the man that had to be my parents caretaker, in a time like this.........and the caretaker for my siblings, for they were distraught, of course....In fact I was a hr from booking plane tickets, and arranging for then to be picked up from the airport when he turned around!

    We are not out of the woods by any means, before anything can be done we have to clear up a massive infection that was caused by a gallbladder problem, or infection contracted from the recent procedure he had, we also have to wait to have his blood work clear up, was placed on an experimental blood thinner that we are unaware of the halflife in his body is,and probable gallbladder surgery, which by itself can be no big deal, but with everything else!.......after all that then we will need to have a pacemaker implanted...which is the least of our worries......but for now to see him turn from the brink last night to actually smiling by this am.......to have people that I worked with, yrs ago to think so highly of me...that they all surrounded me with a whole lot of love for me and my family, and assure me that they will take care of everything, as I would do for their family.......is priceless, for now I can be Dave the son, not Dave RN son, the weight of the world is off my shoulders in a sense...........I felt that Mike was with me taking care of everything!!!

    Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers..... Dave

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