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Posts posted by KarenK

  1. I remember you said you had a good relationship with your shower person. Maybe she will be a light in this dark tunnel you are in right now. Hope it all works out for your benefit.

    I sometimes lose track of the days also. Doesn't really matter to me as I have no place to go. Last time I left the house was maybe 6 weeks ago for a haircut. Heck, even if I could drive, I couldn't afford the gas to go anywhere.

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  2. It seems really unethical and dangerous to wait until you are out of medications to order more, especially those types of meds. You can't just quit them cold turkey.

    I've never felt in partnership with any doctor. Of course, I rarely needed to visit one at all until the last few years. Had a hysterectomy at 38, so didn't that doc any more. Did feel a kinship with my dentist of 40+ years and was a bit surprised when he retired suddenly without any warning. He is close to 80 though, so it could have been for many different reasons.

    I also thought salmon would be relatively inexpensive in your area. Way back when, we used to get smoked salmon from Costco or Sam's Club as a special Xmas treat. It's always been expensive here, but was so yummy.

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  3. Marg, so good to hear from you. Certainly understand why you've been MIA for a bit. Wish we could take some of these burdens from you. Please remember that you can't be all things for all people although that is your nature. It's just not possible without losing part of yourself along the way.

    So sorry to hear about your sister. Will she be having radiation and surgery? There are new strides being made against cancer every day. The American Cancer Society offers various services that may be helpful in her daily living.

    Hope things will improve between Brianna and her mother.

    Luv ya, Marg

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  4. Unconventional, but I met Ron at a traffic light on the way to pick up my friend and go to a club. He pulled up next to me, looked over and asked if I wanted to get a drink. I told him no. He asked where I was headed and if he could come along. I thought about it...he was kind of cute. I figured I would be safe with my friend, her dad and kids there, so I told him to follow me. I truly had never done this before and had no idea what to say to this stranger so I offered him a beer when we got out of our cars. He got a kick out of that and told me later that any stranger who offered him a beer was okay in his book. We went to the club in separate cars, drank and danced a bit and then he left. I had given him my real name and phone number(another first for me). He called 3 weeks later for a date. I had plans for a party which we went to, but soon left as I didn't care for the activities. We went to a club.....I had way too much to drink....he took me home and he stayed for 40 years until it was time for him to go.

    Was it an ideal way to meet someone...NO! Was it an ideal marriage...NO! But we weathered those 40 years together. They could have been better.....They could have been worse. They simply were....

    Would I do it again if I was 50 years younger? I don't honestly know. For sure, I'd be more cautious in meeting  a stranger in this day and age.

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  5. Nothing much happening here except it seems to be "repair time". It started with a bathroom light switch which hasn't been fixed yet. I don't really mind leaving the light on. At least it illuminates the hallway so I won't trip over the dog again.  lol  Then one toilet needed the tank parts replaced. My son took care of it. On to the kitchen faucet. Bought a cheap one two years ago and learned my lesson.  So I bought a better one and my son took care of that. While he was putting it in he said " Now I know why dad was always doing stuff to the house.". So true!  Next up is a bathroom faucet which is leaking badly. That should be fixed in a couple of days. So thankful my son can take care of this stuff.

    Confused and not happy with my cable company. They sent emails with special pricing offers which they refuse to honor when you call in to discuss them. No one could tell me why and of course you couldn't talk to a supervisor. Just haven't had an opportunity to go to an office to discuss this in person. My cable/internet is very expensive already and I have no premium channels. Just another one of those things you can't live without because you're so used to having it. We are really brainwashed!!

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  6. Seems these agencies need to remove "care" from their names. They advertise wanting to help you stay in your home, but fail to mention it has to be on their terms. Odd about no medication dispensing. Wonder if that varies by state. When my mother was in the private care home, I never thought to ask about that. I know she was given medication by the caregiver. I also know they weren't diligent about making sure she took it. Although she couldn't communicate well, she wasn't stupid. She rarely even took an aspirin and I'm sure she didn't trust people giving her pills for any reason. She would hide bunches of them in napkins in her night stand. I would probably do the same.

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  7. Kay, so sorry you were treated that way. Sometimes when I am concerned about something here, my son and grandson both treat me with disrespect verbally and look at me like I am nuts. We may be old, but we're not stupid! We just need a little help or a second opinion.

    Have you considered joining AAA(if it's available to you), especially with all the distance driving you do? It costs about $100 per year.

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  8. Thanks for that, Kieron. I was just grabbing at straws for an explanation of the woman's behavior. I shouldn't do that. My experience with mental illness is limited to a relative who is paranoid schizophrenic/manic depressive. Without medication, he completely loses touch with reality(hears voices, creates untrue scenarios in his mind, etc). He will obsess over something for years. I have never seen him violent. He is obnoxious which may just be part of his personality.  lol

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  9. Kay, it seems you have to be so careful anymore when ordering anything. There's always a nearly hidden box that signs you up for memberships, automatic payment, etc. and it's already marked "yes". If you miss it and don't uncheck it, BAM, you're signed up! Amazon did that to me one time and I didn't notice for 3 months because the amount charged on my credit card was small. It took a while to get it cancelled.

    Hope you get your woodstove working properly before winter sets in. Still over 100 predicted here next week.

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  10. Does the surgeon have any idea what is causing the pain or how to fix it? This has just just gone on so long for you, Gwen. I know you don't want to, but you may have to increase the pain meds. At this point I would worry less about addiction and more about getting the pain to an acceptable level, but that's just me. There's just no reason to have to live as you are.

    How are things going with Dee? Is she still planning on making her trip with friends?

    I wasn't sure who you paid property taxes to. Here they are paid to our counties. Didn't know if they be lenient or not. Sometimes credit card companies will remove penalties under unusual circumstances.

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  11. Gwen, has that check cleared the bank? If not, it may have also been lost after reaching it's destination. Many, many years ago, I received an insufficient funds notice on a check to the water dept. I was confused as that bank account had been closed for many months. About a year before, I'd sent a replacement check for one that never showed up. The check they were trying to process had been found on the floor behind a filing cabinet when it was moved. They didn't notice that it was a year old???? Maybe if you explain the circumstances, the penalty could be waived. It never hurts to ask.

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  12. Can't remember the last time I had on a pair of shoes. I wear sandals with sox around the house. I bought several pairs of "Earth" sandals at least 20 years ago when they were $10. They're pretty beat up now, but still in one piece and comfortable. They don't come in my size(5) now and even if they did, I couldn't afford them. I only wear boots when I leave the house.

    Perhaps you could get Dee to understand you wanted her as a friend, not a caregiver. That way maybe she wouldn't take offense.

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