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Posts posted by iPraiseHim

  1. I am approaching 7 months mark in two days. I too, am still numb.  Been dealing with the Obamacare Health Marketplace which has been a nightmare over 19 hours on the phone trying to resolve first one and now three different insurance issues.  They keep disconnecting me after holding for a half an hour or more.  Each person gives me a different answer.  Than Saturday I get out water and sewage bill and it has my wife's name on the bill.  I called today to have her name removed because she has been removed from my life.  It is just a part of what life is now.  I'm just trying to face life one day at a time, one hour and even one minute.  I press forward, by God's Grace.   Shalom

  2. I was thinking today 14 years ago, where I was when I heard the tragic news.  My wife called me in tears ( my wife hardly ever cried) saying, "Our nation is under attack"  I remember exactly where I was cleaning and evening what room I was in.  I was in shock and numb.  A few years later, I cleaned a 911 widow's home.  I was blessed to be able to clean her home.  She too, was still in shock.  2,977 lives were lost that day.  So public for all to see.  Most of us in this forum  are not seen publicly yet we travel similar paths.Today started out well.  I did some cleanup before work. Found out a job was delayed til next week and another call I lost an account because the client has decided to clean her own home.  Home therapy for her.  She is pleased with the service.  I will need to look for more clients.  Life presses on, one day at a time.  Shalom, George

  3. Hello Ceili, I too, seem to cry everyday since my wife passed away suddenly almost seven months ago.  Since men are not supposed to cry(which is a lie) it can seem like it is wrong.  However much research is done that tears actually reduce your  stress.  When a person loves someone deeply, crying helps to relieve and cope with the painful loss which is real.  Seek help where you can, come here and share with people who care and can come alongside you.  Praying for you.  Shalom, George

  4. I deeply understand your grief and loss.  Almost four years ago, I had to take our beloved Brandee to the emergency vet.  My wife woke me up at 1:30 am saying she was restless panting could drink water and couldn't lay down.  When the vets told me that she had stomach bloat.  Apparently her stomach flipped and she was in distress.  She was almost 10 years old.  Life expectancy 10-12 years old.  The Vet wanted $3,000 to unflip her stomach with a 50% chance of survival.  We didn't have the money and so I had to make the decision to help to the Rainbow Bridge.  The decision had to be made quickly because it is an extreme emergency for dogs.  My wife was upset because she didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. I was with Brandee while they gave her the medicine. I petted her and looked into her eyes as she slowly went to sleep.  My wife, took some pictures we had of her in happier times and made a cutout that we enlarged and we could like at her everyday.  It helped to be able to look at her picture and remember better times.  I still have Brandee's and my wife's picture (passed seven months ago) to remind me of happier times.  Praying you will find comfort and peace  in your grief walk.  Shalom

  5. Thanks, Debi.  It is good to find things to laugh about.  I am on day 205.  People ask me why do is still count the days, so I don't share that with most people now because they just don't seem to  understand.  I miss my wife and best friend every day.  I seem to cry more about it now than before.  I loved her deeply and I miss her deeply.  I have plenty to do but not the energy or motivation to do it.  Life presses on even when the best part of my life passed away.  I'm still trying to learn to accept that.  I have found myself not going to certain places and doing things because it triggers these memories of remorse.  I haven't moved or changed much in my home since my wife passed until I am ready to.  I know it is silly but I had bought a bunch of cherry tomatoes just before she died (my wife loved to eat them).  She was limited because of the dialysis, but she could eat a few.  I just threw them away yesterday with some resignation, because they looked more like sun-dried red raisins.  I'm praying for the energy, strength and stamina to change the things I can each day and accept this part of our love life as well. I'm thankful that I could take this grief burden instead of my wife.  I miss you, Rose Anne. Shalom, Love George

  6. Thank you for sharing with us such personal thoughts.  There are many of us that have similar thoughts.  It is a very scary place.  Some times death tries to drive us to the same place.  You being aware of your feelings can help you to begin to heal and grow from the grief,  There are grief counselors available if you do not have anyone to safely share these feelings with. Sometimes friends and family don't understand but there are many who can help. 

                          (Serenity Prayer}

    "Grant me the serenity to accept the things, I cannot change.

    The courage to change the things I can

    and the wisdom to know the difference"

    Ceili, go to your pastor, priest, grief counselor; someone who can help you.  You are valuable to us.  Know that I am praying for you that God will see you through..  When you cry out to the (Lord, higher power, whatever you believe), you will receive peace and comfort.  Grief is overwhelming.  You are not alone.  Please come often here to share will us.  It will help you.  Shalom, George

  7. Tomorrow will be day 200.  It's hard to imagine to be that long separated from my soulmate.  Emotions are all over the place.  I did have something humorous today.  I performed an estimated to clean 5 store front windows, inside and out. They haven't been cleaned in a year.  I estimated it would take three hours due to the raised lettering on the windows and excessive cobwebs, wasp nest, dirt, grime, etc...  She thought my estimate was too high.  She expected me to clean the windows for $10. (That $3.33 per hour.. Min wage her is $7,25)  She told me the last guy stopped cleaning the windows because it was not profitable for him!)  I have been chuckling about it all evening.  It is funny some people's expectations.  I still miss my sweet wife and best friend. I'm very lonely now.  Shalom

  8. Well spoken, I too will reach the seven month mark on the 16th, Day 197.  I still count the days; I'm not sure why.  The reality of my wife's death continues to settle in my heart deeper and deeper.  Flashbacks and memories of better times.I have not eaten an ice cream cone from McDonald's since her death. There are all kinds of memory triggers because our life was intertwined.  I miss her; I miss us.  The heart pain is real and doesn't go away.  I seem to be triggered now more than before.  I exist, for I am living, but not alive like before with my soulmate.  This grief journey is tough.  Work helps to pass the day. Shalom.

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  9. Thanks, Kayc and scba for your input.  It helps to know other people care and understand this grief journey we are on.  I have been professionally cleaning homes for over 17 years.  I enjoy professionally cleaning homes because it shows me God's grace in my life daily.  This new Job will probably start this week.  My knees and legs are feeling a little stronger.  I did go to church today but I still do not have the joy of wanting to go.My emotions are still unpredictable.  I have a lot of things that need to get done but I'm just not motivated to do it.  I have actually turned down a couple of jobs that I just don;t want to do anymore.  I don't know what the next season in life will bring but this part I would like to skip.  Thanks for listening.  I keep hoping there will be brighter days.  Shalom

  10. Ditto.  I miss my wife, my friend, my lover; the other half of me.  I lived alone for years before I met my bride.  I know how to take care of my self but I miss the loving, pampering and attention she showered on me.  I remember how her spirit would "light up" when she saw me.  My wife is a naturally charismatic person to all who meet her. Yet she had a special love and affection for me.  Even after 25 years of marriage, her simple touch electrified and energized me.  I miss her daily. so yes,  I can slog through the day, I can take care of myself but never as well as she loved and cared for me.  I am thankful that I cherished each day with her and showed her every day how much I liked and loved her.  I know she knows that I truly, genuinely fully loved her.  I held nothing back.  2 Corinthians Chapter 13.  Shalom George

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  11. Disappointing day.  My expectations have set me up to get me down.  I expected that  those who have gone through grief and loss themselves would be more supportive in the down cycle yet I continue to be disappointed.  I think the reality of not ever seeing my wife ; my best friend is really sinking in on another level.  I thought I dealt with this before and accepted it but it still floors me.  I have planned a four day trip away in early October.  The first trip in over eight years.  I don't really know what I'm gonna do except to get out of my home for a few days in beautiful country; unplug and relax. The coming holiday season, i am trying to decide what to do.  My wife and I always spent the time together alone.  The last couple of years she was getting too weak to cook so we planned dinners around a time when I was off from work. 

    My sister wants me to join her for the holiday gatherings but I'm not sure how I'm going to be emotionally.  I seem to be having more crying outbursts now than in the last three months.  My energy levels are still low with some physical pains that get me down.  I need to lose weight but find it difficult to concentrate on a good eating plan. I just picked up a new cleaning job that I'm not confident I can do because of some physical limitations.I'm feeling more my age (60) than I have before. I'm still fighting some very tough mood swings.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be a new day with new grace for the day. Thanks for listening.  Shalom

  12. I am saddened by today's news that a news reporter and her camera man was targeted, gunned down by an alleged disgruntled worker who was terminated a few years earlier. Those two young people had no clue that it would be their last day living on this earth.  Now parents, fiances, parents, siblings, friends all grief and mourn the loss of their loved ones.  It is such a shock and so sudden.  I have been praying for all of them on their grief journey that began today in tragedy.  It has been a somber and sobering day.  Shalom.

  13. Checking in... Trouble sleeping again.  I have a full day of work ahead of me.  I have a lot of pain in my shoulders, legs, feet, and hands.  I miss my wife more and more.  It seems like waves of grief that someone else aptly described.  I have had more down days than up lately. It seems I am just slogging through life.  I miss our life together.  I really dislike being alone.  I just don't see how this is supposed to get better.  so i weep, sleep, and strive to get up another day.  I am grateful for many things.  I miss my wife terribly and deeply.  My heart aches.  Is this my lot in life for now? I dunno.  Thanks for listening.  Shalom

  14. I am praying for you Butch.  I have no answers.  I struggle myself at just over six month loss of my wife.  I know Jesus is able to handle it. "Cast your cares upon the Lord for he cares for you."  I will continue to pray and intercede for you.We are not made to handle it alone.  Many members in this group care and are praying, meditating, etc.. .  for you.  Rest in God.  Shalom


    How Grief Can Affect Your Health ~ A reflection on self-care


    Write down the one thing you will do once a month and do it for several months. Most important is to not allow anything to get in the way of doing that one thing you are working on just for yourself.


    Jot down a few things that irritate you (spending time with someone who is always negative or doing something that you really don’t want to do or going out to eat and one of the people you are with are rude to a waiter) and erase one of those things each month. This is true self-care.


    This good advice.  I was my wife's caregiver for the past six years.  I find it difficult to take care of myself. Part of it is just my nature in that I was taught to help others and ignore my own needs, That would be selfish. I struggle with self care s I will take your advice.  Thank you for sharing.  Shalom, George

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