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Posts posted by brat#2

  1. scba, I totally get the "why" questions. I think we all have asked them over and over and unfortunately there aren't any true answers, wish there were.  We just have to trust our hearts that we made the right choice of choosing the love and who we love.  I'm sure we have all wondered if it was worth it, but for me, yes it was, Dale was the best part of my life and made me a better person, so this pain, which I hate, was the price I pay for loving my love and soul mate.

  2. I completely understand that some of you feel the need to make changes or move from your homes.  My home is "our" home and even though everywhere I look I see Dale, that is also what give me comfort.  Sure I cry some times when I see his things, but like it was said in other posts, it's not the things that make me cry, it's him not being here.

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  3. Cookie, my husband has been dead almost 8 months (on the 10th) and yes we went through his sickness here at our home also, but he died in a Hospice center, so I don't have that part of it to deal with.  I totally get your feeling sad  when looking around your home and seeing him everywhere because I do the same thing.  I wish I could offer you some help in feeling better but I can't because I find more comfort being here that not.  But I'm sure it would be better if you didn't leave out of desperation so you wouldn't have that guilt on top of everything else.  Leave when you want to, if you ever want to.

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  4. Marg - I completely understand the guilty feeling, but I'm sure Billy understood and has forgiven you.  I feel guilty and angry that I didn't tell Dale it was ok to leave, which is really wasn't,  and to not be in pain anymore.  I had to put him in a  Hospice care facility and thought I would have time to talk with him about this, so I went home Monday night thinking I could talk with him the next day and when I got there the next morning he was not responding and never woke up again and finally on Friday, his body gave up and he passed away.  I did talk "to" him all those days, telling him how much I loved him and will miss him and thanked him for our marriage and years together, but I never got to talk "with" him about it.  I agree with Marty, I feel both Billy and Dale haven forgiven us and now we just have to try and forgive ourselves, which is not easy to do.

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  5. Marg - I haven't had any dreams of Dale yet or if I have I don't remember them.  I can't imagine how disappointing and sad that you have to wake up and realize it was a dream and that he wasn't truly there.  I look at pictures of him all the time and all his things (which I haven't gotten rid of or moved anything) and it does give me comfort, but also hurts terribly that I can't touch him.  I talk to him all the time too and I'm hoping he can hear me, which I think he does.  It's such a confusing time, a feeling of being lost, scared and alone.  I also write in a journal daily and on here which does help.  Thank you

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  6. TerriL, I'm so sorry for your loss.  Your post sounds so much like our life.  We didn't have children, he was my handyman, could fix anything, he was my hero, my safety net, my love and soul mate.  After almost 8 months, I still trying to figure out how to keep going on without him.  I don't have hardly any outside support either and it makes for very lonely, painful days.  I agree with you that after 33 years of marriage, I'm still married to my husband and always will be.  I wish I could give you some advice on how to handle what people say, but I'm still trying to figure that one out myself.  I have found that this site is comforting in knowing that we are not alone in this.  Welcome and again sorry you have to be here.

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  7. I don't think you ever offended anyone.  I felt like I did with my post.  I'm so glad this is working for you and I hope you don't ever feel the need to "rethink" your posts.  You are inspiring and show such care for the people here.  I truly look forward to your incite and I do from everyone else.  As you said we are all struggling here and we need to just keep trying to find things that work for us to get through this.

  8. Brad

    The last 4 1/2 months that Dale was alive was spent here, but even though we were going through all the treatments and bouts of illness from the treatments, the other 22 years here were happy and that out ways the illness.  So our home is my comfort.  I too still speak and write as "us", it's hard not too after 33 years of marriage and I still feel like an "us" and not just a me.  Thank you for the excerpt, it is so true.

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